
I start access nursing on monday help please?

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it gaurantees me a place into uni,on my start letter it says - ADULT nursing group B.i have been thinking long and hard i think i want to study mental health nursing now? do u think i can change my mind at the end of the course and do u still need to do a university interview? as my college interview had the university lecturer there




  1. Hello, I didn't do the access course when I did my nursing but I know that in the first year mental health and adult nursing students are pretty much always taught together in once group for every subject...the practice placements do vary though. Once you have completed your first year of your nursing diploma/degree you have the option to change your "branch" if you wish.

    As I say before, I'm not sure how the access course should vary and to be honest, I expect it;s the same course regardless of whether it is adult or mental you're planning on taking.

    However, I recommend you discuss it with your personal tutor or one of the lecturers before you start and see what they suggest.

    I think when you start your actual nursing when you've completed the access course, you'd gain a lot more experience on placement if you're in the mental health teaching group as you would have relevant placements.

    Good luck!!

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