
I start another semester of college today and I couldn't sleep last night.?

by  |  earlier

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The anticipation got to me and I have bouts of insomnia anyway. I already have a problem with anxiety particularly around a lot of people and when the pressure is on. Starting on day one sleepless is not good. I have my first class at 9:30 AM and I'm on campus till the end of my last class at 10:00 PM on Tues. and Thurs. Its going to be a long day and I don't know how I'm going to handle it tired and anxious.




  1. start by believing that you can do it.  keep telling yourself until you've finished.

  2. As part of a student life, we cannot avoid that kind of situation. Just relax. Think what are your reasons why you go to school. Make it as your inspiration. This is just a little sacrifice. This is just a part of your success.

  3. you will be okay

    answer mine;...

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