
I start high school on monday how do i not freak out?

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well im gonna start high school on monday and its going to be my first year im going to be a freshman at a magnet school and aparently alot of the things there have to be perfect and im not perfect and plus i think i might be having a panick atack right now because im going to a school were i dont know anyone and i already miss all my frnds and im just so scared i cant ask my parents for advice because they always give me the wrong answers and if anyone can just plz help me trough this panic attack and tell me. how do i survive higschool???




  1. Wow so many people are feaking out about high school! I just started last monday and i was nervous just like every grade! Just calm down and you will be fine. Im a freshman this year too and i think it is amazing! Its nothing to worry about. As for the friend problem just join some clubs like FFA, FCCLA, student council, Student ambassadors, or like VIZART. Any clubs your school offers. I am an active member of FCCLA and if you want to know more about it email me! It is so amazing i fell in love with it last year. I plan on joining VIZART when i have completed ART1 this year. Well Just dont freak out. The upperclassmen are really helpful if you need help with anything. They may seem scary but they were similar to you when they were freshmen. Just be a leader and be like hi my name is ___________ what classes are you taking and so on. I hope i helped. If you ever need anything just email me i will add you to my contacts!

  2. Highschools lame just do the same **** you did in Middleschool and watch the hangovers they can be tough.

    Ohhhh and try not to get preggo, I know your probably thinkin oh no Id never. But like all the girls I hung out with have kids already, and Im a senior.( I didnt do it)

    Have fun and turn in your homework and youll float though with good grades. Juuuuust like middleschool, also talk to the teachers, get on their good side. It will help alot.

  3. A lot of people feel the way you do when they are starting something new. Especially when they will be entering a new environment. Just remember there are many students in your grade, in your class that are just as scared as you. Trust me nothing is going to be perfect and no one is perfect so your not alone. Trust me high school will be the best 4 years of your life. Since you don't know anyone it would be a good idea to join clubs or teams and meet people that have something in common with you and friendships will start to form on their own. Just be nice to people and be yourself. Good luck on your first day :)

  4. Lol my first day at highschool i was shitting myself but seriously there wasnt any point =P Everyone is as scared as you are, the older ones dont bother doing out cuz theyd look stupid picking on sum1 younger than them, the teachers are dead nice at the start. You will make new friends its part of life being the new person that doesnt know anybody. When you work you will need to know how to make new friends so this will be good. No school expects their students to be absolutely perfect, they just want you to be a nice person, try hard and do as well as you can. It doesnt take long to settle in :) Good luck x  

  5. aw, its ok!!!

    its completely normal to be nervous. im starting my junior year and im still nervous! all you really need to do is take a deep breath and relax. high school is actually a lot of fun. Freshman friday is a myth, all people do is like put vaseline on the handrails but that is just funny. You will make A TON of friends quickly. At my school there is literally not one person without friends, everybody finds their niche. It is nothing like you see in mean girls or other movies and tv shows, i promise. My school is a magnet school too and while it is competitive, i just find that it motivates me more to do well. Make sure as a freshman that you get as high grades as you possible can because if you s***w up this year it is hard for your transcript to recover. but really, you will be fine. just relax, work hard, and have fun!

  6. I was a freshman last year and I go to a magnet school. I was in the same situation as you, nobody from my middle school was there. First of all calm down, its really not that bad. Most people had to leave their friends behind too, so they're all looking for someone to befriend and hang around. You might feel awkward sitting by yourself, but no one is really paying that much attention. If you're looking to make friends start up conversations with people who sit beside you in class. Or compliment what someone's wearing and form a conversation with them. Don't worry about getting lost. Usually teachers will help you out.  

  7. It's natural to be nervous. But once you find all your classes and see your old classmates it'll be fine. It's like way back when your first started middle school. And you have nothing to be nervous about. Freshman year is easy and people adjust fine. High school is just a little bit bigger and has more freedom. (No more asking teacher assistants during lunch to go to the bathroom).  You'll probably be nervous up until the first day's actually over, but you have nothing to worry about. And have fun :D

  8. Don't worry seriously i was was freaking out just as bad as you maybe even worse cause i was the ONLY one from my primary school but it was all good i met my besties in only the first minutes and i had the best time eva so really its not that bad, trust me!!

  9. Get sports or clubs. You're guaranteed to make lots of friends from different grade levels.

    Also, be yourself. Never try to fit it just be who you are!

    Don't be shy! Talk to your classmates and get to know them.

    Good luck :]

  10. I'm starting high school too! Just take some deep breaths and calm down.

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