
I start middle school tomorrow?

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any advice for me




  1. i start tomarrow to!

    my older sis said

    * never leav ur locker open

    *always Do ur work

    *listen to ur teacher

    and ur pretty much set!

  2. omg its so much fun! its really really easy, they give you lots of free time in middle school since the work is fairly simple! just study alot in science, geo and history, they are kinda hard.  grade 8 is SOOOO much freaking fun since you graduate (sooo much fun!!!) and you spend like so much time discussing high school and stuff.  its soooo easy and so much fun after that grade 9 it gets much harder so enjoy it while you can!!! also in middle school its easy to skip classes...the teachers dont care as much like my friend was talking about some s**z the entire class and the teacher knew and she didnt say anything.  and teachers jsut want you to leave them alone so they give free time. ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN YOULL HAVE A BLASSSTTTTTTT!!!! (also i used to get 60s but in middle school it was so easy that i went to 90s and honours!) one tip for the grad:  do not try to overdue it at my grad i overdid it and i looked like a w***e.  

  3. here's some tips:

    - listen to others

    - be respectful

    - try to get on your teachers' good sides early on (believe me... it helps :D)

    - smile :)

    - don't forget you homework

    - stick with your friends

    - be nice to others, even those you don't know

    - keep in mind that everyone's just about as excited/nervous as you are!

    - have fun

    - make lots new friends, it's the best time to do so

    - don't be afraid of the older kids

    - and just always be yourself!

    good luck and have a great time at middle school!

  4. omg! i'm gonna be in 8th grade this year, so don't worry and don't be nervous

    advices for middle school:

    1) always use hygiene

    2) be clean

    3) wear a little make up if you want to, it's your choice, but don't go heavy on the makeup

    4) always show respect and be nice

    5) be confident (showing confidence is the key to having the best middle school year ever! trust me!)

    6) study hard (in middle school, math, science, spanish, etc., and all those other subjects are gonna be hard, so just study and work hard

    and if you don't get it ask a teacher to help you

    7) be organized! (if you don't be organized it will be really hard for you to find papers to turn into your teacher or study with)

    8) take time studying and don't let anything distract you from studying or else you're gonna be behind in school

    9) wear cute clothes (find the latest fashion that other people or your classmates are wearing) and accessorize!

    10) have fun!

    hope this helps!

  5. Be confident and strong and let the wave carry you.

  6. middle school is nothing ...

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