
I start student teaching in 3 weeks!!!?

by Guest60005  |  earlier

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I am going to be starting my student teacing in almost 3 weeks!! ahh!!! i'm nervous, scared, and excited!! Its elementary, not sure what grades yet... any advice???




  1. It has been my experience that most student teachers struggle with classroom management because they want the students to like them.  You don't have to be mean, however you do need to be firm and most of all consistent.  A good friend of mine (IE teacher) said it best... it's easier to lighten up than to tighten up.  Basically, you have to get management down right away because it's almost impossible to get a classroom under control if you start off trying to be a friend to your students instead of their teacher.

  2. .. if you are nervous then your students will feel it too.. play it cool and everything is going to be ok.. don't let your emotions show. be yourself and have fun. Good luck!

  3. Don't let the students know that you are scared. Because they will use it against you. Because when you take over the class you need to be able to put them in check. Get a good night rest don't and be prepared for everything and anything. I've Been there and done that and now I have my own classroom. One more thing student teaching is nothing like having your own classroom.

  4. Remember everything you learned in college.

  5. When I student taught I was in a 7th grade classroom and the best piece of advice I can give is to not be their friend.  Be their teacher first and a friend second.  If they do not see you as an authority figure in the classroom, then it could be a horrible year for you and your cooperating teacher.  Also in agreement with what was said before, student teaching is nothing like having your own classroom.

  6. The good thing is that you have a chance to observe for a little while before you have to start teaching full time. Take plenty of notes of how the class is run and write questions down thoughout class that you need to ask your teacher before school, during their free period, and after school. ARRIVE ON TIME and dont be in a rush to leave as soon as school ends. Review the notes you take every night and you will soon learn the routine. Help out as much as possible because this will also help you learn the routine. Take notes on what you like and what you dont like and why because this will help you when it is time to take over the class or when you get your own class one day.

    One thing you must realize is that this is not your class yet. You may have to go by the rules designated by your teacher and do things your teacher would do whether you agree with it or not. Just make sure you take plenty of notes to reflect on it. In this way, you can learn what you like and what you dont in your own classroom and why.

    You should also introduce yourself in a good way and firmly let the students know that they may have new rules to follow with new consequences. It is always best to use your own behavior management plan if they one your teacher uses does not work as well when you use it. Stay consistent when implementing the consequences. The children will catch on to what you let slip by really quickly.

    Good Luck. And try not to be nervous. By the time you start teaching you will feel much more comfortable.

  7. i lovedddd my student teacher in fourth grade.

    i am going to be in 10th and i still remember her name.

    she was just really understanding, softspoken, and fun.

    she was a lot more patient than my teacher and that's why i always asked her questions.

    you just have to be nice, PATIENT, and understanding.

    i'm sure you'll love it


  8. Try an build a relationship with your cooperating teacher. You might not have the same teaching philosophy, but being respectful and open to other ways of thinking always creates success!

  9. Definitely get to know you supervising teacher. He or she is there to help you. JUMP RIGHT IN!!! Start helping the teacher you are with and the students right away. Don't wait for the teacher to ask you to help.

    Keep an open mind. Know that the suggenstions that your supervising teacher gives you are to help improve your teaching and classroom management. They aren't there to bash you.

    Always teach like someone is watching you. Because they are. You never know when a teaching job will pop up and you are in the right place at the right time.

    Try to get to know the staff you will be working with. Try to be friendly and helpful. Also take time to introduce yourself to the principal.

    Good luck!

  10. Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan!  The worst feeling in the world is finishing your lesson and looking up at the clock and realizing you have 5 more minutes of class.  

    Talk to successful teachers at your school and ask lots of questions.  Ask if you can observe other teachers, not just your cooperating teacher.  Everything I do as a teacher I learned from another teacher.

  11. be nice and fun. i ad a student teacher in 5th grade i'll never forget because he gave us some advice before he left.

    he said that dont stay with one person while your a kid, go out and have fun and explore. it was great!

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