
I started a job and got fired from it...What now?

by  |  earlier

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I started a job on a Monday. Everything was going well, or so I thought. Tuesday morning, my boss calls me into his office and tells me that 'it's not going to work out, we're going to let you go'.

Here's why:

~Monday, the HR lady called me up to get my SS card and DL. I hand them to her and she looks at it and starts giving me s*** because i don't have a middle name. "why don't you have one? why didn't your mother give you one? You HAVE to have a middle name!! What's your mother's name? Why do you have the same name as her? (I'm a junior.) What's her Maiden name? Her maiden name shall now be your middle name! (who made her the official middle name giver!!) "

~Then, she asks me for 'my other picture i.d'. I look at her puzzled and ask why she needs another pic i.d. when she has my SS card and DL. She says that I MUST need one. I ask why, and she says: Oh! are you a citizen here???!!

(By this point I could tell she had it out for me.)

She proceeds to call my previous job, who layed me of months ago and where i thought i left on good terms, and starts asking about what i did there. The HR lady from my previous job says all i did was answer phones and that everything i put on my resume is a lie! The new HR lady, thrilled, tells my boss that she did some checking up on me and tells him that I'm a liar. Obviously, he believes her and fires me.

So here are my questions:

~How will this affect my unemployment?

~How much does that job have to pay me if i was there all of Monday(8 hours) and was fired within the half hour on Tuesday?

Important details:

~I live in California

~I did NOT LIE on my resume. In fact i had someone from the company that layed me off help me make it look nicer after i got layed off

~Yes, I am looking for a job (i'm just extremely discouraged now) but I do have concerns with my current unemployment.




  1. Your unemployment should get reinstated with no problem.

    The new company has to pay you for the time worked.

  2. How will this affect my unemployment--> not at all do not mention that job  1 day is not much time

    How much does that job have to pay me if i was there all of Monday(8 hours) and was fired within the half hour on Tuesday?--> two days salary, you got fired on tuesday when you attended the day

    there is no need to be discouraged its part of life , you should have your motivation from inside not from outside no body can make feel you inferior without your permission

    I think its good that you got fired its time for you to find a better job, the way you described the people seems like they are stupid people & its better to leave such company

  3. That sounds horrible.  Find out if you can take some legal action against your employer and/or the previous one.  I've heard it's illegal at least in some states for the prior employer to say something to cause you not to get a new job.

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