
I started a small business and i dont what to do next help....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike that is our website what next and would people reall hire me? i am 12 if it helps




  1. Since your age is so young I would suggest making flyers and dropping them around your area at gas stations, laundry mats and places like that. I wouldn't mention your age unless someone asks. Dont want them assuming that due to your age you want do a good job. Good luck

  2. hey, you could make some flyers and put them in paper boxes around your neighborhood also go to stores and put them on cars.  You have to get the word out.  i have a small business to.  You have to start slow with low inventory dont spend alot of money.  Then you can build from there.

  3. Make a flier and hang up in local stores... tell people you will do this... well cost but maybe an ad in the local paper... and the best when you get started is word of mouth from pleased customers. Good luck, I wish you well.

  4. good article for success bussiness

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