
I started ballet this year and i was wondering how long does it take to get on pointe.?

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I started ballet this year and i was wondering how long does it take to get on pointe.?




  1. about a year or 2 it really depends on the teacher and if your feet are strong enough

  2. It totally depends on you and when your muscles are ready. Your  age is also a factor. I would say if you are a teenager starting dance this year probably a year or more to get on point. It may seem like a long time but they make you wait so you don't injure yourself. Have fun though dance is great!

  3. It could take up to a couple years. Also, I would like to say that it is not judged off of your feet, it is off of your ankle strength. You do not need a doctors note either. I supposed you COULD get one. But its not needed. You're bones also have to be strong enough. I started ballet at 4 but couldn't do point until 11, just because my bones weren't fully developed.

  4. It depends on a lot of things.  To start with it depends on your age.  Then it depends on how quickly you develop the skills required before you have the privilege of wearing pointe shoes.  It also depends on how dedicated and disciplined you are with your work inside and out of the classroom.  Ballet is one of the most difficult art form and it takes years of devotion and training to improve. I say improve because you will never be perfect...there is always room for improvement even as a professional.  Good Luck!

  5. It really depends on the teacher, I started ballet at the age of 4 and started pointe age of 9. We have three ballet teachers, pre-ballet, begginer pointe, pointe and advanced. Our begginger pointe teacher started a group of girls on pointe age 7. They are struggling now and have more blisters than anyone else. I recomend starting at a later age when feet are strong enough to support body on your toes.  I say if you are over the age of 10 and have been taking ballet already for a year, probably in 1-3 years time you will beggining pointe! I really hope this helps!

  6. lol you people get on my nerve with these dumb *** questions and you other dumb people actually telling her the exact year is dumb *** h**l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sweetie you just can't hop from out of the blue and be in pointe you have to train to get there it's a lot more to ballet than tutus and tippy-toes it takes about 20 years or more to get to pointe but there really isn't a saying in it. you may think that ballet is easy (espeically if you satrted in basic ballet) but junior ballet and sophmore and senior is also very difficult too and you have to go through all of those just to there (well at my school just not sure about other) and heads up don't ever ask that question again some people who really looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove ballet gets mad when they see that (well i take anger management classes so maybe it's just me)

  7. Hehe, how weird.  I just answered this question.  Here ya go:

    "Great question.♥

    That's not really a question of time but of many other factors. Usually a good, professional studio waits at LEAST 2 years until putting a dancer en pointe. That's not to say in two years you'll get your pointe shoes. It's also a matter of strength. You need to be impeccably strong in your ankles, arches, and core. I have some great excersises that can push you to pointe; feel free to contact me if you're interested.

    In general, you need to be very strong in the abdominal muscles, lats, and feet. Specifically, in your feet, you need to be strong in almost every part; your arches, your ankles, your inner arches, your upstage arch, and your downstage arches.

    When a teacher looks to see if you're ready for pointe, they usually see if you can go on 3/4 pointe. That means that in relevé*, you're not only on the balls of your foot, but even past that. You're not quite completely over on top of your toes, but not quite on the balls of your feet either. They also look for ankle strength and strong balance. They see if your basic technique (such as barre work: tendu*, grand battement*, etc.; as well as basic centrework: at least a double pirrouette*, saut de chats*, etc.) is strong. If you can't do certain things en flat (in regular shoes), how can the teacher expect you to be ready to do them en pointe (in pointe shoes)?

    Hopefully this helped you. Feel free to contact me for further details, for those excersises, or if you have further questions.♥

    *If you're not sure of these dance terms yet, see this very helpful website from ABT:

  8. It really depends on every student.

    However, many teachers recommend students to take ballet classes for an hour or two 3-4 times a week for 2 years...

    HOWEVER,,,I want to take pointe soon...

    But I'm taking int. ballet next year and then asking about pointe.

    HOWEVER (I swear, this is the last however) to take pointe, the basics that you need are balance, determination, and strength.

  9. it doesnt necessarily matter how long youve been dancing. It all depends on how strong your ankles are and when your teacher thinks your ready. Some studios may have differrent rules however.

  10. it varies between people and studios.

    thats more of a question to take up with your teacher.

    but you will have to wait until you are experienced enough in ballet, and have a doctors note saying that your feet are strong enough to be able to go up on pointe

  11. That depends on your teacher and how hard you work. My teacher puts girls en pointe when they are at least 11 and she sees that they have enough strength and technique to do pointe correctly and not hurt themselves. It does NOT take 20 years to get en pointe, but it should also not take only 1 or 2. Pointework is very difficult and puts you at a higher risk for injury, so it's important that you make sure you're ready, especially if your teacher wants to put on when you know you're not ready. Be the responsible one and don't rush into it.

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