
I started feeding my 4 month old cereal and he loves it now could i give him normal gerber baby food ?

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is he ready and at what age could i start feeding him juice?




  1. You could give him juice now, you just may want to dilute it with a little water.  As far as baby food, if he is eating from a spoon well, sitting with support and seems hungry with full formula or breastmilk feedings he may be ready.  We started our son on solids when he was just over 4 months.  We started with sweet potatoes, which he loves, and now we just started avocadoes, which he also really enjoys.  Just make sure that you wait 5-7 days between when introducing each new food to make sure there is not allergy or sensitivity to the foods and also introduce them one at a time.

  2. It is recommended not to give regular foods till the age of 6 months.

    as for juice, i wouldn't use it at all. it's full of sugar, rots their teeth and they really don't need it. Water is better, and you can give at 6 month as well.

    Cereal isn't that great in nutrition anyways, it's a filler food. your baby's main source of nutrition should come from either breast milk or formula.

    love all these idiot TDers that have no real clue about infant nutrition.  but then, they probably have obese children woofing down Happy Meals 3 times a day.

  3. Where do all of you people buy "juice"?  If you are going to give your baby juice, check with the dr first and only give 100% juice (don't buy the cheap stuff in the adult section, which must be what everyone here is talking about- look for the gerber one in the baby section, or make your own).

  4. im not a pediatrician...but i would hold off on the food and juice. a 4 month old really  isnt going to get any nutrients from it. the cereal is good to your ped!

  5. It's usually not recommended that they start solids until 6 months. Just continue using the cereal for now but make sure your baby is still drinking the regular amount of breast milk/formula because he needs to be getting his nutrients from that.

    As for juice, he doesn't really NEED it at all. Ask your pediatrician what their thoughts are on it.

  6. i would hold off on the baby food for about another month or two. give him time to get use to the cereal. i wouldn't give him juice until he is about 6 or 7 months old. just because you don't want to give him too much sugars when his teeth are coming through. Hope I helped!!!!!!!!!  

  7. Wait until he's 6 months to start introducing food.  I gave my son 2 ounces of juice with 1 ounce of water so it wasn't so sweet he would drink anything else.  He was probably 5- 6 months when I did that.

  8. It's best to avoid all solids until baby is around  6 months old or more.  Giving solids early adds nothing to their nutrition, and just replaces the more valuable breastmilk/formula in their diet.

    (Are you sure baby 'loves' the cereal -- or does he 'love' the milk it's mixed with and the novelty of the spoon?  Rice cereal tastes like cardboard.)

    But ... if you are going to give solids this early, you can give any low-allergy solids you wish.  Rice cereal is no better or more nutritious than peas or carrots or applesauce. They are ALL 'babyfood.'

    Juice is best avoided for another several months.  He gets all the fluids he needs from his formula/breastmilk -- and juice is pretty much nutritionally void -- just sugar water with a little vitamin C. (And he gets all the vitamin C he needs from his milk.)  When you are ready to introduce a sippy cup, you can put a little diluted juice in it if you wish -- or just use water.

  9. babies at this age love everything that is new and grabs their interest. they are eager to experiment. when my son was this age, i couldn't eat in front of him, or h**l start screaming his head off, as if the food rightfully belongs to him.

    starting to feed your child all the baby foods right now may be a little too hard on the stomach, and cause allergies because your child isn't used to the foods yet.

    for best results, continue with regular baby milk (formula or breast milk), but for dessert or snack, give about three tea spoons of apple sauce or something different to slowly get him into it. overdoing can be dangerous.

  10. if he is doing good o the rice cereal, ask your dr. if he okays it go ahead and start on the baby food. Make sure you do one veggie for 3-4 days. (I always did a week on each) As far a the juice thats something you need to hold off on until they are at least 9months.

  11. ive been giving my son cereal and 1st stage baby food since he was about 3 months. most people on here will tell you to wait till 6 months but i talked to my doctor about it because he was eating so much and not getting full. she said as long as they can hold their head up and have doubled in birth weight and they can open their mouth on their own when you put the spone up to them, then thats all you need to worry about. i also started giving him juice around the same time. its very hot where i live and i was worried about him getting dehydrated and he didnt want to drink milk all the time so i mix half juice and half water. he's never had any problems with any of it and he definately like the baby food!

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