
I started liking a guy that i was really great friends with

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i met this guy my freshman year and i liked him instantly. I never told him or anyone and i would act indifferent around him, just like i would to any other friend. My feelings started to get stronger and stronger and I know it sounds retarded to say this but i feel like i was/am in love with him. he got a girlfriend about 4 months ago and he's convinced hes in love with her. it hurts but i always support him and give him advice about her. i was hoping that i would just forget about liking him as soon as we graduated but ive been out of school for 2 months now and nothing!. every time i hear certain songs all the feelings rush back to me. and theres just too many memories to just forget about it. its driving me crazzy! ive even tried to like others guys but then i realize the reason i like them is because they remind me of him! ARGH!!




  1. well first of all idk your question but it seems like you need Closure.

    since you haven't ever told him your true feelings about him he's probably thinking your not interested in him. thats why he has a girlfriend, he was at least sure you weren't interested in him due to the fact you didn't make a move or you didn't respond to his moves. In his eyes he saw you as a friend, since you gave him advice about his relationship, and since you hear songs that remind you of him, again back to closure, set up a date with him with things you guys used to do, and at the end say your true feelings for him probably he had the same for you, and he'll dump his girlfriend and go out with you.

  2. Time will tell.

    There is nothing stopping you from staying casual friends with him, if he becomes single, see if any interest sparks.

    Under no circumstances should you undermine or try to get him to break up with who he's dating, (you seem to be doing well with that, I commend you.........).

    I'd stay in casual contact, (once every couple weeks or month, don't go longer than 6-8 weeks), just tell him you're checking up, seeing how things are with him.


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