
I started my 3month old son on cereal when he was 2 1/2 months old because he was eating almost 18?

by  |  earlier

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6 oz bottles a day! i just started him on baby food 2 days ago and it loves it! how often should i give it to him?




  1. at first start out slow and only give it to him one time a day then as his belly gets use to it you can give it to him more and more. just don't give it to him too fast let his belly have time to adjust to the new food you are giving him.

  2. As long as you don't overfeed your baby will be fine. Consult a paediatrician to get the necessary informations for your baby.

  3. You shouldn't be giving a baby that young ANY food. It could be dangerous to his digestive tract. You should really talk to your doctor about this.

  4. Since I highly doubt your son was eating over 100 ounces a day @ 2.5 months, I don't know what advice to give you, except to stop feeding your son solids and consult a doctor ASAP.

  5. really??  18 6 ounces bottles a day??  impressive.

    What did your doctor say about your son drinking over 100 ounces a day??  Something isn't right here....

  6. I don't know how big your son was when he was born, but mine was almost l2 pounds, and I had to mix in oatmeal with his formula when he was only one week old.  He came out almost a toddler, and was starving all the time.  He is now 19 years old - 6'6" 240lbs and a wonderful young man.  He also is going to school to be a chef.  Was born loving food, and still does.  You give your baby what he needs, you will know if it is right or wrong - he will let you know.  good luck!

  7. I would still hold off on the baby food until he is at least 6 months old.  Just continue with the cereal.  Don't rush his little tummy


    LOL...I didn't even notice that she wrote 18- 6ounce bottles.

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