
I started my last period june22 and it is now july 25 , i am 3 days late and starting to worry. i have taken 3

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pregnacy test and they all have come negative but yet i fell like i should be getting my period with the amount of cramps im getting? is still to early to detect ?




  1. that happened to me last month and my period was 2 days last b/c i was stressed and thinking i was pregnant and i wasnt.

  2. Sweetie I dont think your pregnant but sometimes your period can come late if your stressed out.

  3. sumtimes ur periods come alittle late but dont mean ur pregnat heck this month i was a week late with my mine but i wasnt pregnant and i havent been on any birth control

  4. u should wait a few more days n retest it might b to early to detect i my self am  almost 2weeks late n have to signs of been preg. every woman is diffrent so relax n retest again in a few days good luck. :)

  5. it may be too early yet but then again maybe your period is just late this month.  If you have been sick or stressed, this could cause a delay in your cycle.

  6. My last period was the 22 also.  My period should have come tuesday as well.  But it hasn`t. I am going to test tomorow, then if nothing then , then wed then friday if I still haven`t gotten my period.  Most sites say that you test postive 8-12 days past implantation.  which can take  up to 6 days.   I would say wait it out.  If you period still doesn`t come, keep testing and then go see your doctor.  

    I do know however that I ovulate later then mid cycle.  I got pregnant last time when I was due for my period. ( I had taken extra pills to pp my period for a few days)   So maybe you ovulate late too? or perhaps implantation took longer and the levels of horomone are not high enough yet for the test you too


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