
I started my period tuesday when is the best time to get pregnet?

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I have tried several times and I will last 7 days any ideas?




  1. wednesday the week after and onwards will do

  2. I would say prob. this thursday thru next tuesday/wednesday but to be SURE buy an OPK and start it on thursday until you get a + OPK and than have s*x every other day once you get or + OPK.  OR just have s*x everyday from here until your next af is due or until you get your + hpt. =)  You have to make sure you are ovulating FIRST before you can concieve.. And just because you get a + OPK doesnt always mean you are releasing an egg either- so I have heard.. I have been ttc#1 for 17months or so and lost our baby at 4 1/2 weeks on July 4th, 2008 and trying again.... Wishing you bunches of baby dust!!! Oh my first month of using the OPK is when I got pregnant.. =)  

  3. If your period started on Tuesday (Aug 12), then Aug 12 is called "Day 1" for you (for this cycle).  It doesn't matter how long your period lasts.  It matters how long your cycle is.  If your period usually comes every 28 days (every four weeks), then you have a 28-day cycle and you probably ovulate around Day 14.  If your cycle is shorter or longer, then your ovulation day will probably be earlier or later.

    If you have a normal 28-day cycle, then you may ovulate around Day 14, or August 25 this month.  That means you'll be fertile a few days before then, so I would suggest having s*x on Aug 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26.  That should have you pretty well covered.

  4. Have you given any thought to adoption or fostering?

  5. Depends on when your NEXT period is due.  Most women ovulate 12-16 days before their NEXT period, and can get pregnant from s*x up to 5 days before ovulation.  So do  your calculations.

  6. The average for ovulation is CD14 but it can vary (mine is usually between CD17-19).  So at a rough guess, you should start trying on CD12 and continue to CD20

    If the thought of all that s*x puts you off, then you need to pinpoint your cycle length.  Once you know that, you can narrow it down.

    Also, keeping taking your temps and charting on fertility friend is a great way of making sense of your cycle.  

    Re cycle length, to find it out, count the first full day of your period as CD1 and then keep counting to your first full day (CD1) of your next period (not including the new CD1).

    It can vary but only by a few days (I fluctuate from 29 to 32 days).

    Oh and is very important not to count brownish spotting before your period as CD1 (it's just the remains of last month's period).  CD1 begins on your first full blown red day

  7. 14 days before your NEXT period is your likely ovulation date. You'll be most fertile 5 days before that day until 2 days after it. BD daily at that time.

  8. Here is a site that uses information about your period and calculates the most fertile days for you.

    Hopefully this will work!

    *~Baby Dust~*

  9. During ovulation is the only time a women can get pregnant. Typically a women will ovulate 14-16 days prior to her NEXT expected period. So depending on how long your cycles are (from day one of period to the start of your next period). However every women is different and you could ovulate much earlier or later than the "typical" women. I would recommend buying an ovulation predictor test as an easy way to see when you ovulate. Also you can look for other signs of ovulation such as an increase in dish charge (the best time to conceive normally is when there is a lot of clear egg white like discharge, also some women feel a paid on one side of there lower abdomen, possible an increase in s*x drive...don't worry if you don't have these signs, again only some women may expiereince thease signs during ovulation.

    Good Luck!  

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