Ok so i started my son on solids 2wks ago when he turned 6 months, before that, he was exclusively breastfed, he's still nursing.. no formula.
He loved his solids (fruits & veggies), i did everything right, new foods for 3 days & all. He has gotten very good with the spoon =] He has 1-2 tbsps a day, so it's not really that much.
He used to go poopy twice a day, but now he's going once every 3 days, i'm sure this is common, but is it RIGHT? His p**p is normal, soft & comes out with little effort ;)
I was thinking that maybe he isn't quite ready for solids & his tummy is having trouble digesting, so it takes longer. I didn't give him any solids yesterday & he pooped twice. So should i just do solids every other day? So he can practice his eating skills & still p**p regularly??
What do you think?
Thanx in advance, God Bless =]