
I started stuffing my bra....?

by Guest34163  |  earlier

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And now I really want to stop, but its a big difference if I just take the stuff out of my bra. I don't know what to do.

I want tot start the 8th grade on a positive note and feeling good about myself, but I don't know how to just /stop/ stuffing and still look like I have something to my chest. My mom knows I stuff and she's not that helpful. She's actually a little disappointed, and I can't blame her.

I really need some help, though. I don't know what kind of bras to get or anything. Help, please !




  1. your only in 8th grade all people are different

  2. buy a padded bra dont stuff my frind did and every body found out so u dont want that to happen

  3. Why don't you try bras with bigger pads? Make sure they are your size thou...

    When you will go to 8th grade there will be many different people:

    tall, short, flat, big, thin, thick...

    I assume you are 13-14, so your body is still changing. If you are confident enough, you should talk to your mum about it. She will help if you ask for it, I'm sure.


  4. Get a padded bra or push-up one. They'll define what you do have.

  5. Bras at specialty shops, they have the "unusual" sizes (which are actually more normal than you think)

  6. Get a water bra:

    Other options:

  7. its easy just stop it. next time get padded bras when you g shopping

  8. get a bra that is the right size but is a pushup bra or has padding

  9. Just stop. If you look a little different or wear a lot of jewelry It will attract people away from your chest.... answer mine?

  10. First, you should get some bras that really fit you well. They will do the best to accentuate what you do have, not what you don't.

    If you're really worried about what people will think, take it out over time. It's really great that you realized you don't need to stuff your bra to be who you are.

    It's not like anybody will say anything if you suddenly don't have as much. I can assure you people don't notice as much as you think they do.

    Try getting some bras from teen departments, like Victoria's Secret's Pink line.

    I bet if you talk to your mom, she'll help you out. She might be a bit disappointed, but she still loves you and wants to help you.

  11. try getting a padded bra or a pushup bra that will make you look bigger but you will only have on the bra :)

  12. just stop. You might get a few comments when you get back to school, but just tell them that you changed for the better and you feel better about yourself now. Don't be ashamed. If not stuffing makes you feel better, then don't stuff. Don't listen to the negative comments people say. I think it's great that you want to stop because it shows that you are tired of being someone you are not. Just be yourself and live your life to the fullest!! God bless :)

    oh and as far as your last part where you need help with what kind of bras.... i really can't help you there :)

  13. You have two choices.

    If you want to continue to have big b***s, then buy a pushup bra, padded bra, or water bra. If you don't have much money then buy something at Target or WalMart. They're cheap there.

    If you don't care about having a big chest anymore, and want to phase off of the padding, then the only way you can make it look natural is to loose a lot of weight first. That way it will seem like you just got much thinner; lots of times when girls do this their b*****s shrink.

    I wouldn't worry about it either way. Probably in a few years your b*****s will fill out naturally.  

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