
I started taking trazodone recently ?

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(its been like 2,3 weeks) and it doesnt help. Actually instead of helping me sleep it makes me feel even more crazy, wound up, i feel like all my sense are heightened and everything around me seems to be magnified. I feel even more anxious than before, is all this normal? anyone felt this way? i was told this stuff works well...




  1. It did help me sleep, but it also made me constipated and incontinent. Different drugs work differently for individuals. Sounds like you need something else - Ambien maybe?

  2. It helped me sleep but then I had terrible nightmares. So when I woke up, I didn't feel rested. I had to switch to a herbal sleep aid and then I was fine. It didn't make me wound up, though. My brother has taken it for years with no problems, so it's different for everybody. You should have adjusted by now, I would think?? : /

  3. thats **** use to knock me out!  

  4. trazadone made my nose stop up badly, other than that... it made me extremely sleepy. but, the nose thing was so annoying i couldn't sleep so i just don't take it.  still have a full bottle in my med cabinet.


  5. I am on trazadone, though I rarely take it, but it makes me feel too groggy the next day, something that worked very well for me at a low dose was seroquel, it would get me asleep without making me groggy the next day....

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