
I started talking to an old friend of mine today. please help?

by Guest58051  |  earlier

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ok i am a girl and my friend is a guy.

we used to have a thing for eachother and he got mad and hated me. and that was in june.. so today i decided to ask him if he would forgive me cuz i missed him and he said yeah. we havent talked to him for a long time and now i dont really know what to talk about with him cuz i dont want to sound annoying or anything. so does anyone know what i could talk to him about?





  1. he got mad because you guys had a thing for each other????

  2. School, family, whats been going on in your life, anything or everything.  Just hanging out together.    

  3. Girl..what'cha Do to make him hate ya? For starters, Try talkin' about that first! Like tell him how stupid you were (or whatever).

    The way I see it, ya got June, July, and Aug. to talk about. How bout' asking him, "What'cha do this summer?" and tell him what you did.

    School topic is good. There's things to talk about there like new friends, classes, stupid people, teachers, sports, etc...

    Make sure he has stuff to include on the conversation also. Don't just talk yourself, cause you might BORE him. Guys really don't like a girl to talk talk talk talk talk..Know what i mean? Make the conversation go both ways and when he says stuff, REALLY listen!!

    It might be possible that you two end up good friends, or if you play your cards right maybe even boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm not sure what he expects out of you. But try being friends first. Don't come on to strong... you'll scare him off!!!!!

  4. Maybe just talk about some interesting things you've done since June, and ask him what he has been up to. I'm sure you'll find something to talk about! :)

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