
I started to write?

by  |  earlier

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asking for a return of the birch,to deal with the thugs and violent cretins on our streets, using Guns, Knives and other weapons, taking anyones life, seemingly at their convienience but as I started to write this question, a block of similar question became visible,from that information, it is obvious many people feel the same as I do, what can we do about it?our MPs are powerless something has to be done the UK is on a slippery slope. We <have tostop this violence> and it has to be seen, to be stopped.I know the birch will not bring back a life taken by crimminalty, but my feelings are it could possbly be used to prevent someone settingout to use these weapons if it was made mandatory that if a perosn is caught with a Gun, Knife, or other offensive weaponry. This will be put into practice




  1. They are simply NOT punished, period. Until they are punished they will carry on. When I was a kid the thought of a thick ear was enough to stop me before I started. Bring back the &quot;give `em a thick ear brigade&quot;, Young yobs kicked through a fence panel of mine, upon remonstrating with them I got told where to go. If I had clouted them who would have been in trouble? not them. They know they are protected, if that protection had been removed it is a fair bet that fence panel would still have been intact.

  2. Bring back National Service

  3. The problem is not that some people have guns and knives, but that your government has made it illegal for the responsible citizens to do so.  Since criminals by their very definition do not care about laws, they continue to do so and they only have to worry about robbing another criminal who is also able to defend themselves.

    Criminals do their best to not get caught and to not get themselves into trouble with a &quot;victim&quot; that will turn the tables.  In other words, the best way to turn the tide on armed criminals is to arm the responsible citizens.

    I met a Brit a few years ago in a third country who bragged to me that he had been mugged in 7 countries.  He stated that he refused to be pushed off the streets by the threat of muggings yet it was exactly what happened.  The muggers told him to move into a dark alley.  He complied.  They told him to give them his money.  He complied.  I do wonder what else the transvestites told him to do, but undoubtedly he complied with all the demands of the criminals which only serves to encourage further criminal acts by them in the future.

    Criminals are predators looking for EASY prey.  When you disarm the citizens, you make the entire herd to be easier prey to the armed criminal.

  4. Then its a good job you stopped because your shift key and carriage return keys obviously aren&#039;t working.

    I would have another go once you&#039;ve got your keyboard fixed.

  5. When I was a kid I was locked up in a cell with 2 blokes who had had the cat and tails. If you could have seen the scars you would have been sick. One went on to do a double murder. Don&#039;t even think what you are thinking
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