
I stay in ohio,are there any states where there is no maneuverability( parallel parking) tests.?

by Guest59013  |  earlier

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I stay in ohio,are there any states where there is no maneuverability( parallel parking) tests.?




  1. Virginia didn't

  2. no they are required everywhere, plus why would you want one with out one i mean you will need to parallel park eventually

  3. kansas doesn't...just dont be a johnson county driver. lol

  4. florida doesn't do it.

    EDIT: obviously they DON'T require parallel parking everywhere or I wouldn't have a license. (well i might cause i would have learned how to parallel park but I didn't have to for my test and neither has anyone else for a few years now.)

  5. Not all do, Someone told me that if you don't want to do it, tell them and they just take off the points for it. If you do it and don't complete it you will fail!

  6. man up and learn how to parallel park!

  7. Maneuverability and Parallel parking are two different things. Ohio switched from Parallel parking to the Maneuverability tests in the early 90's. Most States require one or the other. If you cannot back a vehicle up, you should not be driving.

  8. No, you're just gonna have to learn how to parallel park.  

  9. How about learn how to do it.  It's not really that hard and you're going to have to do it some time.

  10. Illinois

  11. Why not just learn to do it right. If you are old enough to drive then learn to do it right.  

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