
I still cant believe how u make babies?

by Guest57602  |  earlier

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am i crazy or what?

when i found out how u make babies i thought it was weird and shocking as a kid. i have gotten over it but sometimes i still look around at a bunch of people and am like 'wow we are all here coz our parents were *&^%$£'

and im 20 years old

am i a weirdo or is this normal?




  1. maybe you need to see a s*x phycist to help get through your problem, have you ever had s*x or ever felt for anyone in a sexual way.

  2. yes you are wierd, but i also think you may bat for the other side!  If you know what i mean!  haha

  3. well i guess it could be considered weird. my question is how do U make babies? is your way different than the rest of the world?

  4. Deffo weirdo !!!!!!

  5. to be quite frank, that is fairly wierd but its is an awkward thought of our parents doin it lol

  6. Such a weirdo!!

  7. hi,   well that's the way of the world buddy.   even animals do it so get with the program!  bb

  8. its normal.

    you are just amazed how easy people can make kids, but how hard to understand and complicated its that one human being can be evolutionary inside someone elses body (our mothers). you just think of the cycle of life and ones self. its not weird, its just weird for people who are not creative and open minded. if you pay close attention to these sort of things, then u are a very observant person and intelligent. thats means your mind is creative in your own unique ways.

  9. You're g*y

  10. look at you daddy's little o****m all grown up

  11. wierdo

  12. I know what you mean. It's hard to accept our parents could ever do such a thing as have s*x

  13. Well, that's unfortunate that you still feel that it's weird.

    Human sexuality and reproduction are obviously vital towards furthering our species.

    Maybe you should watch some films regarding the miracle of life and you would find it less weird.

  14. your weird.........

  15. If you think about your parents having s*x at your age, your a weirdo, children between 10 and 13 do that.

  16. You are wierd

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