
I still care about my ex and don't want to see him hurt. How do i handle this situation?

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recently I found out from many people that everyone at my school thinks my ex is g*y. Even one of my ex's best friends told me that he knows my ex is not g*y but he sometimes questions it and that almost everyone one he knows thinks my ex is g*y and that people ask him why do you hang out with that f*g and told me not to tell my ex. Me and my ex don't talk but hes very sensitive around g*y people and I know that is the last thing on earth he'd want people to think about him. I tried to im him last night and tell him that i am concerned about him because I recently heard something about him and that people may sometimes get the wrong impression of him so he should be careful with his actions. He never responded cuz he was away. Today I confronted him at school and I said can we talk and he said no so I asked why not and he said cause we're not talking and i said but can we talk now and he said no becuz I know what your going to say and its ridiculously unbelievable. This hurt me because I care for him and I am the only one to even tell him what is going on. His best friend even thinks it and his best friend won't tell him anything. What do I do? I feel like c**p. I dont want to see him be oblivious to all this.




  1. He isn't oblivious....and he is more aware of the situation than you believe him to be......

    If you can about him....don't bring this up again...unless he does...

  2. Maybe he's heard enough about what you want to talk about and feels (rightfully) that its none of your business.  You are, after all, his ex.

    If you want to remain friends with him, leave it alone and myob.  If he wants to talk later, he will come to you.

  3. You know, it is possible that he IS g*y and is trying to deal with it.  It is nice that you care and want to help, and you get credit for trying to talk to him.

    JUST IN CASE... he is g*y, it is okay.  Your pitch to him shouldn't be about his sexuality (whatever it is), it should be, "If you ever want to talk, I'm here.  I'm a good listener."

    You never know.


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