
I still catch my bf checking me out constantly. We've been 2gether 5 years. Whats up?

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I still catch my bf checking me out constantly. We've been 2gether 5 years. Whats up?




  1. Why are you complaining at all??

    Sheesh, if he is still turned on by you after being with you for 5 years then you should take that as a compliment!


  2. Girl!!!!

    You better appreciate that!

    He still has the hots for you.

    My husband has been with me for a total of 6 years. (3 dating and 3 married) and til this day his eyes still wander around me.

    So it seems that whatever your doing, your doing right.

  3. After 5 years you should be complaining that he is ignoring you. There is something definately wrong.

  4. Thats a good thing. If he wasn't constantly checking you out that would be a bad thing. It also means that he's turned on by you. Your lucky tha hes still turned on by you =D

  5. He's planning to whack you, look closely next time you turn around and catch him looking at you. He will have a comedy sized Mallet behind his back.  

  6. He still digs ya.

    Whats the problem ? Id be worried if he wasn't interested in how you look.

  7. Why are you worried about this? This means he's sexually attracted to you. STILL. You're lucky

  8. Please write to me and tell me your secret, your so lucky he is STILL SO INTO YOU  If  I were you I wouldnt let him go....

  9. Does checking me out means : checking on you?  Or just checking you out?  Are you talking about jealousy issues?

    This is confusing.

  10. Be grateful!!!  Most guys are checking other females out by then.  He must really love you hon!

  11. Um are you bragging....i mean come on...i think we all know your enjoying him still being that into you! My husband and i have been together for 8 years and he still checks me out! I don't even know why you asked that question i mean the answer is obvious don't you think? :)

  12. honey be glad that he still does that!!! i would love 4 me hubby 2 still look at me like that!!! congrats!!! ***godspeed***

  13. he obviously rlly likes you tonns. why r u so grr about it? hes into u and ur obviously into him or else u two would not have been dating for 5 years...just go with it : )

  14. If you boyfriend is still checking you out thats a good thing he still finds you attractive and has desire for you.  

  15. are you serious?  get off the computer.  you are done

  16. You should be happy, and not even wonder why..the guys is still physically attracted to you....

    Would you rather him not check you out?


  18. your lucky he is still checking you out after five years.  He must still be turned on by you.  Why are you concerned?  **** my boyfriend always gropes me when he gets the chance.  We have been together for 3 years.  Its funny.

  19. Your question doesn't make sense. He's you boyfriend you should take it as a compliment, obviously he finds you attractive. Would you rather him check out other girls? I don't think so missy.

  20. I'd be glad if I were you!  whatever you're doing seems to work.  I'd worry if he DIDN'T look at you "that way" anymore. That is, if you're the only one who does this too?!?  if he did this to all women - then i'd get worried.

  21. Why would that bother you? I don't get the point of your question...Obviously he loves you. That's a good thing so why question it?

  22. You can't be serious with this question.  I get it, you're pretty

  23. because he thinks your hot! i dont understand why you sound like your complaining...most women are complaining about the exact uhh enjoy the fact that hes still completely into you 5 years later

  24. He's still amazed by how beautiful you are.

    And by the way, what's up with the Fizzdude poser, Sarah B. She took his whole "I sharted" spotlight...

  25. umm you shouldnt have a problem with that. bc thats your bf.. if its some stranger then you have to have a problem. unless you have a crush on the stranger or something. thats good he's looking at you, he probably wondering how the two of you are together.. thinking that the both of you is lucky to be with each other. my bf always check me out.  i always ask wtf you looking at bb and he'll say how beautiful you look etc.. so dont front you should be happy that he checking you out.  

  26. One reason he must think you look good and still respects you enough to avoid staring :P

  27. You're obviously just braggin - so if you wanna play that game me and my boyfriend have been together 8 years and he still checks me out - ha ha back of the net

  28. What's wrong with that? If 5 years down the road he's still checking you out, chances are he's still crazy about you! Take advantage of this! Believe me, it's not a bad thing. :)

  29. He still thinks you're hot?  What's the problem with that?  He can just stop checking you out and check out the other girls.

  30. Hi,

    I am sure your very cute and he is in crush on and he doesn't want to lose you.

    you need to talk and discuss it, so you will clear it up,

    suspiion is very bad and it might kill your relation.

    Hope this helps.  

  31. Well if you've been together that long, you're both in love with each other. And he's a guy, and us guys love the way a girl looks. Don't be offended, it's perfectly normal. Do some stuff like that back to him and then you'll have a more intimate relationship. Plus, that will probably end up in s*x.

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