
I still have this pain!! and i have had this for over 5 weeks now!!

by  |  earlier

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it is epiploic appendagitis! and i went to the er 4 weeks ago and they gave me ibuprofen, and vicodin, and they did not work went to my doc cus i still had pain, and he gave me some kind of strong antiinflammatory!! i don't remember the name but it seamed to work and no it not! do i have something eals>! i have pain in my belly all over it starts ! right under my sternum!! going down the right and left side of my ribs! and back to the middle!




  1. My mother in law had the same symptoms as you described, it turned out (after 2 of months running test on her) that it was irritable bowel syndrome. The doctor gave her some medication for it and after 2 or 3 days she was back to her normal self. Just ask your doctor if this could be a possibility in your case if he says no, then suggest he have a colonoscopy run on you to provide a definite decision on your symptoms. Best of luck to you, nobody should have to be in pain...

  2. Call your Dr. back and tell him/her what is going on.  Steroids are a healing drug and might help yo  on this.  Dont wait another 4 wks.  There aree meds to help you.  So dont hesitate.  

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