
I still haven't got my 3 month old nephew anything yet...?

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I want to get him something good, not something he will wear once , then never again. I should have done it ages ago, my brother& wife must think i'm a tight git, but i'm just confused.

Can you help me please?




  1. Babies grow out of their clothes really fast, so no matter what article of clothing you buy at this stage, they will wear it a few times then grow out of it.  If you want something lasting, some suggestions might be a nice stuffed toy or a nice blanket.  The toys can be played with or snuggled with for years, and my 5 year old still has a favorite baby blanket that he likes to use in the winter.  Or if they haven't had a photo shoot yet, buy him a picture package.  Those photos will last a lifetime.  Congratulations on your new nephew!

  2. With girls its really easy, you can get a charm bracelet and add to it each birthday etc., but boys are really difficult, what about a bunnikins set, bowl, cup, plate etc., they can be used for ages, heck my nieces still use theirs and ones 11 soon and the other just turned 6, or you could do the time capsule thing, buy a paper from the day he was born and add to it over the years then give it to him at his 18th or 21st, shows him how much he's loved by you and that you cared enough to continue adding things to it, you could always buy one of those kits that they make a plaster of paris imprint of his hands or feet, then they paint them gold and put them in a frame, you can hang it on the wall, my brother has done this with both his kids, you could also get an heirloom, like a special rattle or something that can be handed down through the generations, hope this gives you some ideas, goodluck and hope you find just the right thing that you're looking for! :)

  3. My sister in law bought my daughter this, It is definitely the best gift anyone had bought her, She absolutely loved it and it lasts years.

    Its the rainforest jumperoo, I think its made by fisher price, It is a bit expensive so i guess it depends how much you have to spend. But if you shop around you might get a better offer. My daughter used it from about 3 months, It says its safe from whenever the baby can hold its own head.

  4. Just an idea but I gave my niece a savings bond.  When she was little (before she was aware of what gifts were) I'd put a little money in it instead.

    Otherwise savings bonds.

  5. Get him a special blanket with him name on it.

  6. One of the favourite presents we received when our baby was born was a baby book to record special memories in. It's something I intend to fill in and keep forever.

  7. have you spoke to them about this, there might be something that they need and you could get for them.  Apart from that your sil will start to resent you I'm speaking from experience. My husband has 2 sisters, one of them got us the smallest thing she could find in the shop, and they have plenty of money and the other one eventually bought clothes.  The first came when baby was 8 weeks the second when he was nine weeks old.  I was a bit pissed off about this as I had got them really good presents for their babies as soon as they were born.

  8. Get some Mothercare vouchers or their Gift Card.  Then the parents can choose what they need most

  9. Best gift..a certificate for dinner for two and FREE babysitting..ala Auntie!

    They will surely appreciate it and no one else is going to think of this gift, something that they could really use! (especially three months into parenting!) lol..good luck!

  10. It kind of depends on what your brother and his wife expect, and that might be causing your confusion.   You may be afraid of getting something they don't like.

    If that is the case, then give money or a savings bond or a share of stock.    

  11. you better get your skates on why not your photo together and have it enlarged and when he grows up he will say that's me and my uncle Scoobie?

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