
I still in love with my ex he talks to me but them sometimes he stops talking to me?

by  |  earlier

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because he has a girl friend but then a week later he calls back and start talkin to me and we have kids together and he let me see them when he feels like it what should i do?




  1. Why does he have custody? If you have kids, you need to keep a friendly relationship. He is probably trying to maintain a good relationship with you for the kids' sake but he has a girlfriend so he doesn't want to lead you on. Keep a friendship with him for the sake of the kids and don't rock the boat. If he wants to try to get back together, he'll let you know. Otherwise, don't read anything into it, he's seeing someone else and you don't want to cause a fight because of your kids. Sorry you are going through this. I could never be away from my kids like that. Just keep being friends with him and don't make it more than that. You will always love him because he is the father of your children.

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