
I still look like a fashion model without makeup, do you?

by Guest60890  |  earlier

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So many of the pretty looking women I know really do not look at that hot unless they are wearing makeup. These are not true beauties but instead they are just a product of superior technology. Many of men who lust after the hot women would be in for a major let down if they say their dream girl during the morning before they put on their makeup.

Me on the other hand look great with or without makeup.

How do you look without makeup?




  1. i don't really wear to much make when i do i only wear eye make up to bring out my eyes more so many people will come up to me when i am out an tell me that i don't even need that an would love to see me with out it my friends call my doll face either way an hate the fact that i don't need it beside a women isn't just pretty an the out side its really how a women's is on the inside is what makes a women beautiful  

  2. I like the natural look the only time I wear makeup is once in awhile when I go out and then it's only mascara mostly so I can see my eyelashes!! LOL they are light towards the tips so they don't look as long, but otherwise I think I'm beautiful without and so does my man and friends and family!  i think it depends on whether or not your happy with yourself ppl make themselves up alot I sometimes think becuase they are insecure about their looks, especailly if it's all the time and they can't go anywhere without makeup.

  3. i never needed makeup but i like wearing it because it makes me feel good...♥

  4. i think i look good without makeup. sometimes even if your not wearing makeup it appears that you are though like if you have really long dark lashes.  

  5. not much different

  6. jeez ur vain.... not trying to mean but u are kinda :) but anyway ya u have a good point. I don't usually wear makeup cept like eeliner and mascara sometimes but guys no that is fake and beside all the kids at my school (witch is ilke everyone in my town its tiny) have seen me without makeup so thats not a problem for me. as for looking great without it... I think I look okay but when I have it on I look okay too the only reason I wear it someteims is because one of my guy friends said he liked me with it on cuz it made my already huge black eyes huger :)

    good luck on ur hunt to find the truth! lol :)

  7. yes

  8. i never wear makeup

    you sound like a self concious child trying to make other people feel self concious.

  9. Get over yourself, you sound so conceited. And whats up with your name? And your question "Should someone as pretty as me have a perfect life?" haha, you're obviously really ugly. Get a life.

  10. I don't wear makeup. It's too much trouble for me and I don't like getting up early. I also love the rain, so that would completely ruin my makeup anyway.

    I've been told by several strangers over the past few years that I'm very pretty/beautiful. My older sister also has random people come up to her and tell her how pretty she is. I've been asked out a lot, so I guess I could consider myself pretty.

  11. cocky much?

  12. i actually don't like to put on a lot of make up so i guess i'm more on the natural side...i would say i don't look that bad in the morning

    Answer mine please:

  13. Amazing

    I Mean Most Ppl Do

  14. i like how i look without make up on most days.. i only wear it for special occassions though.. i'm not really a big fan of it though.

    my boyfriend said to me one morning while i was still in bed and we were watching the sun rise that i was prettier than the rising sun.. he prefers me without make up because he can see all my flaws (which i think is kind of weird) and he loves that...

    all men should have the same attitude he does!!!


  15. i look better with it on

  16. get over yourself

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