
I still really really miss him. What can i do?

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My friend died in June but... we were more than friends. Even now I find myself crying, not being able to sleep at night, thinking about him. I really miss him. I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like my hearts falling apart... Please help. Don't say to talk to someone about it because I dont trust anyone, honestly.




  1. first of all my condeleances to you and to the whole family for this tragic event and I can feel your pain deep inside like spliting your heart in little pieces and in the same time I want to congatulate you for the courage on  sharing your personel life and private emotions with me.

    My advice is Awarness & Patience, being aware that death comes a sudden and patience cause nothing is permanent.

  2. Prayers; for peace of mind, strength and peace to the departed soul!

  3. Write your thoughts and feelings in a letter.  Keep the letter or destroy it, it doesn't matter.  Why wouldn't you trust anyone to talk?  

    You may also want to try and imagine what he would think or say if he saw you right now.  Would he want you to cry like this every night?  would he want you to fall apart?  It's ok to cry, but keep yourself busy.  If anything, do it for his memory and for what he would want you to do...which is to move on.

    Good luck.

  4. Your only looking at 2 months since your 'friend' died.  you should expect to mourn/grieve for another few years.  At this point the pain and longing are still very fresh in your mind and heart.  Eventually you'll move on to the point that you still miss him very much, but the pain is more tolerable, except for some occasions.  That doesn't mean that you'll stop missing him, just that you've dealt with it a little and you can remember him without all the deep pain.  

    The grieving process supposedly takes up to 7yrs to complete- supposedly.  I think that depends on you, the situation in which the loved one died, and some other issues.  it's one of those sucky situations in life where there is no easy fix, you just have to work through the emotions, deal with them as they come, and look ahead to happier times.  

    That's how I dealt with the loses I had a few years back, that and a strong faith in God.  You don't have to talk to anyone by the way, but it does help in moving forward, i think.  

    best of luck to ya.  Sorry for your pain and loss.  God be with you.

  5. Well take it slowly. Drink tea before you go to sleep so it can help you sleep a little, write about how you feel, cry as much as you need! eat more fats (they cause serotonin levels to rise, helps your mood) if you are religious, pray, and if you are not well that's a reason there are religions all over the world.

    Just try to stay on your feet, things are never easy, specially when it comes to death but just try to stay on the safe side and take it like you feel it, time really does heal things so just take it little by little, keep yourself out of stress (it makes you lose hair) and remember (even though this sounds cheesy) that he probably doesn't want you to suffer so much and prefers if you take care of your mental self more often. Since he died a few months ago it is normal for you to feel like this, just let yourself feel like what you do (just don't do anything harmful) and live for the day. I sound all scrambled, sorry >.<

  6. We are the invisible shoulder to cry on and you do trust us because we offer anonymity and we respect that.  Grief is not easy and there is not an easy way to help anyone. Your pain is fresh and you are need time to cry and be angry!  These feelings are normal and we are here to offer kindness and condolences.  I lost my uncle Dave when he was killed in a robbery and I was very angry and I lashed out.  My best buddy Mike died of AIDS back in 1989 and he was my teacher and great friend!  all was unfair!  What I am saying is it is OK to feel anger and do something positive in your friends memory!  Anyone that inspires so much love and devotion in your heart deserves to be remembered.  The fact that you sought us for advice. It is important because that is a step ahead and to read from us anonymous folks who have felt your pain and empathize with you is important.  Remember that your friend would want the best of love and life for you. It takes time and time heals emotional wounds.  It is not an overnight thing.  I will advise is that you may want an anonymous counselor later in life because they are professionals and have felt pain in their lives too. This only later if you want because your pain is too fresh and only you will know if you want to talk to someone. It could be clergy, counselor, or a good personal friend.  We here in Yahoo can only offer love and a big cyber hug and hope for your well being.  God Bless!  

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