
I still want revenge on Iran for kidnapping our soldiers!?

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I’m British, and am extremely pissed off by what Iran did to us back then, and am left wanting revenge! Iran trespassed into Iraqi territorial waters and kidnapped our soldiers at gunpoint. Then held them hostage, paraded them on TV in a propaganda victory and made a mockery of us. It benefited their evil philosophy, talking about how glorious they were to have captured them. They also made the west out to be the bad ones for giving women equal rights as men, talking about stupid and apparently horrible we (the west) are, for allowing women to get jobs. And then when they couldn’t milk any more propaganda out of it, they ditched them, making themselves out to be the good guy for giving them back as apparently an Easter present. Hang on, how did you have them in the F'n first place! Basically good guy, for kidnapping them and then good guy for handing them back, win-win situation for Iran. Then when the soldiers did return, the truth came out, truth being torture, mock executions and to the female soldier, stripped naked and put through psychological torment. And then to top it off, the day they arrived home, 4 British soldiers were killed in Iraq, by Iranian made technology.

And, I’m just left thinking, I can’t believe it, the Iranians walked all over us, and we did nothing about it. I mean, I realise that there was nothing we could do, whilst our soldiers were being held hostage, last thing you can do, is threaten your hostage taker. But after they were returned, it pains me to know we didn’t get back at them in some way. d**n it!

I want to make Iran pay for this! Who else is pissed off by Iran’s actions and pissed off that our soldiers in Iraq, are dying from Iranian made technology. And about a million other things!?




  1. Can't say I cared that much.  Getting captured is an occupational hazard in the armed forces, at least they weren't killed or even worked over a bit in interrogation.      

  2. Yes lets take revenge on a country protecting its waters.. yes lets start more wars.. yes lets ivade another country for its evils - funny how zimbabwe with its lack of oil doesnt get our military attention...

    I don't like anyone to loose their lives, but please... can we the west keep out of the middle east... it's not ours and we shouldn't be americas lap dogs fighting wars for money... the sooner Obama comes to power and pulls the troops back the better...

  3. 90% of the worlds pistachio nut harvest comes from Iran, you could boycott them, that would show them...

  4. What happen to the DEMOCRACY that the west had been preaching!

    What you suggesting? it will be nice to die for your country but which way do you want to do it. Best advice: LET PEACE REIGN.

  5. how are you going to take revenge by yourself on one big country?  

  6. Calm down, what the Iranians did is nothing different to what the US coalition has done.

    Technology? What AK47 etc.

    The main point is where there is common ground so an acceptable agreement can come between the 2 factions.

    If by some reason Russia / China invaded France I would Imagine the UK would be sending volunteers & weapons to the French resistance.

    Edit - Tom trying to answer your mail - it will not go through (?), I'll try again tommorow & we can discuss the issue...

  7. You obviously have no idea how anything works.  The US is going to invade Iran, as soon as they have made up a reason to do so.  Then Bush will be inflicting three genocides upon innocent people.  Iran isn't the problem.  Wake up will you!

  8. Well, I knew several people with that sort of zeal for killing the enemy. The solution my friend is become a private contractor. Very good money if you're good.  

  9. I thought the Iranians were very nice....they all got a top quality Iranian suit, and a goody bag to take home, and a free curry.  

  10. as much as they are evil your country have been evil as well occupying iraq today and go read about your bloody history and look how evil your country was and still is...

    make a search on the internet about exporting of Torture Equipment made in britain to other countries...

    so you can say i want war with iran but dont say those evil and make it sounds like you are the good ones :)

  11. Which frontline regiment are you in - or joining?

  12. Lol, and you walked over these people native indians, australian aborgines, chinese people from hong kong, ****** from africa and pakistanis. So now what?

    here you can have 5 toman, happy now? moron.


    you have proof iran is selling weapons to them? lmao. Last time i check, America gave free mustard gas, and millions of dollars to the saddam regime.

    Off topic, but you know why Afghanistan is so dangerous, because you dumb ***** gave them all the bazookas against the "commie" russians which than end up killing you guys. Learn from your mistakes, but than you dumb s***s never study history.

    Learn history and it wont be repeated moron.

    Dumb s***s = idiots, which can be anyone. :P

    BTW: i didnt say the Ni**er from africa, i said N*gros (never knew it was a slang therm, but whatever)

  13. In order to do that you will have to evict that piece of flannel from residing at 10 Downing Street, run a check of both sets of benches on both sides of the aisle in the House of Commons and find someone with the internal fortitude of a Margaret Thatcher. When that person has been located, move that person (kit and all) into 10 Downing Street.  

  14. I don't think that you will have to wait very much longer. I expect Israel to attack their nuke sites before the end of the year. I think we have a carrier on the way to keep the oil flowing in the gulf.

    We had a chance to elect someone with grit, Ross Perot, who took commandos in and took his employees out while Carter was babbling.

    The only thing that they understand is power and we are crazy for not using it while we still have some.

  15. Join the Army and go kick Iran's ***! Seriously, you can't do it alone, you need a motivated team of killers! Good luck.

  16. Rudyard Kipling



    "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,

    Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat..."

    What are British looking for far away with weapon? Why did not they come to Iran or Iraq as  tourists?

    Dont be so angry, you would get belly-ache.

  17. thought they were sailors they captured after illegally detaining them in their territorial waters?

  18. bro let me open up ur eyes to the truth :

    There's something called politics, and let me tell u one think i learned about politics, IT'S ALL BULLSHeT

    All the shet u see on TV and the media are lies, u think Britin couldn't send their navy to the Persian Gulf and woop our ***, obviously they could !!!

    I'm Persian/Iranian and i'm also pissed off at the retards in control of our country, You think we like the shety reputation we have all over the world because of a few retarded mullas.

    I used to be interested in politics until someone opened up my eyes. You could go to war and fight for the so called "YOUR COUNTRY" but u may even give up ur life so that two idiots could run their countries and gain money and power. (meaning the politicians!)

    so plz don't even bother with such things cuz it's all lies, live ur life to the fullest cuz we dont' have much time on this planet earth!!! It's all over in the blink of an eye!

  19. torture Tony Blair for being the LAP DOG he was to GWB's huge FIASCO....

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