
I stole from target?

by  |  earlier

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I recently got a letter charging me $328 for stealing a $30 item >__>. However once I pay this fine will I be alright? I have heard stories from people going to court and etc. I am a minor and do not want a criminal record. They (Target people) said they won't prosecute me or take me to court. But I don't know if i can trust them.




  1. I'd suggest getting a notary and/or a student lawyer from the local University - even a Law Professor - to check this out.  

    What I don't understand is the concept of: you 'steal' from them, so they STEAL from you? HUH?!

    Or is this extra $298.00 supposed to be for "Court Costs"..

    Boy the world's changing.

  2. Do what the others say but target stole from me a few years ago

    I had some really expensive sunglasses and i went in the dressing

    room to try something on and sat my glasses down and left and

    didn't even get to the front door and remembered and went back and

    the girl that worked there said she didn't see them and i know that

    was a lie because  no one else had time to go in the room but her,

    so i should charge them 400% more for taking them. i did nothing

    but left and that was 10 or so years ago.

  3. As a minor you won't have a criminal record, because after you turn 18, your record would be closed.  Which is probably another reason why Target wouldn't even bother to press charges against you if you pay that fine.

    So, best to pay the fine, learn the lesson, and stay in school.

  4. yeah get a lawyer or somethin even if u did get a criminal record it probably wont last til u 18  

  5. Well if they say they're not going to take you to court, they won't take you to court. You shouldn't be worried about court though you should be worried about the fact that you're a minor and you are stealing. Alright so you messed up okay, we all forgive you. :) Now fix it by paying the fine and never doing it again. If you don't want a criminal record don't be a criminal it's simple. I wish you good luck w/ the target thing and I hope you learned your lesson ;).

  6. sue them for loan sharking.

  7. Well actually you are very lucky they are offering you this deal you should take it! If they really wanted to give you what you deserve they could get you arrested for Petty Theft. Go with the deal, you got lucky!  It is true that after 18 your record gets exponged if it isn't a felony. It still isn't worth it, it is no fun being under the thumb of any judicial system even if just for a few months.

  8. pay the money of $328.00 and then have a notary sign should be covered. good luck!!

  9. Trust them, pay the fine, and sign anything you need to. Hopefully you'll be fine after that. QUESTION- Why did you steal anyways? :/ JW.  
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