
I stood too close to the microwave and am afraid I got too much radiation from it. Will I turn into the hulk?

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  1. Microwave radiation does not travel very well in air and will diminish quickly.

    Here's a bit about other types of radiation

    as seen by a weather satellite.

  2. That's not how Physics works.

  3. Sometimes when I'm tired I stand next to the microwave and it charges me up like I'm a big battery and that is too how physics works because I did it so that's proof but I never became the hulk but then I'm a girl so I probably wouldn't although girls can do anything nowadays can't they!

  4. Unfortunately not.

    If you look at this picture of the electromagnetic spectrum, you'll see that the frequency of microwave radiation is much lower than that of visible light or even infared.

    In plainspeak, microwaves do not carry enough energy to do any actual harm to your body. (Well maybe a slight warming effect).

    If you really want to turn into the Hulk, may I suggest some gamma rays from your local friendly nuclear power station.

  5. No. Seriously.  Unless you happen to be an egg (oh wait, the egg has to be inside...)

    Some quotes:

    "According to the United States Food and Drug Administration's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, a US Federal standard limits microwave leakage from an oven, for the lifetime of the device, to 5 milliwatts per square centimetre when measured 5 centimetres from the surface of the oven. This is far below the exposure level currently considered to be harmful to human health."

    And again:

    "The radiation produced by a microwave oven is non-ionizing. Therefore it does not have the cancer risks associated with ionizing radiation such as X-rays, ultraviolet light, and high-energy particles. Long-term rodent studies to assess cancer risk have so far failed to identify any carcinogenicity from 2.45 GHz microwave radiation even with chronic (ie, large fraction of life span) exposure levels, far larger than humans are likely to encounter from any leaking ovens."

    - wikipedia "microwave ovens"

    ... thanks for waking me up with that question.  I actually didn't need to reach out for my coffee.  I like your way of thinking, hehehehe  :D

    Oh yeah... wasn't Hulk created because of gamma rays?

  6. No

    Do not confuse science with science fiction.

  7. i wish microwaves were that awesome... but no you'll just die... seriously

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