
I stopped being a Vegetarian about a week ago...?

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I was one for 4 years and decided to stop last week.

For a few days now I have had trouble sleeping... could these be related?

any advice?




  1. Drastic diet changes can cause problems, even trouble sleeping.  But it could also be related to stress, illness, and just general restlessness.  Any time you decide to make big changes in your diet, do so slowly, carefully adding in the items that you want to and taking out the items that you don't want one at a time to test for reaction and to make sure that you aren't overloading your system.  Sudden and complete changes in diet will often make people very ill.  Just take it slowly.

    If you aren't feeling ill and are still experiencing trouble sleeping, try a little yoga (clear your mind) or exercise earlier in the day will help you sleep later.  Good health.

  2. i hope eating flesh is worth throwing off your body and overall health.  

  3. I dont think so

    umm you shoudnt just go for the meat but eat a little and graduly get more everyday

    if thats not what your doing

  4. I'm not sure but why did you stop being a vegetarian? was it for medical purposes?


  5. Maybe your sleep deprivation is from the guilt you are feeling from eating an animal..

  6. Almost certainly. Why did you give it up after 4 years? You know it's healthier.

  7. Psychologically, yes. You know meat is wrong.

    Face it. Cruelty, selfishness and greed are attributes of the entire human race, not just certain countries. Look at our (U.S.) attrocities against animals. More than 4 million pets are destroyed in the shelters every year, and people keep breeding their pets for a quick buck or out of ignorance. People dump their pets because they are tired of caring for them. Puppy mills give dogs lives of loneliness and pain for a profit. Farm animals and poultry are kept in tiny cages, so small that they can't turn around, in the name of profit. The human population is growing at an alarming speed and pushing out all animals that can't live within its cities or exist with its pollution. Humans are the most selfish species on the planet. Now, what made you different?

  8. well i think so, i was one for a LONG time and when i stopped, i gained weight, didnt sleep, and broke out :(

  9. why?

    Yes! A change in diet will definitely change your sleeping pattterns!

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