
I stopped eating meat, dairy, and eggs, so why am I so bloated?

by  |  earlier

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I've been eating whole grains, soy, vegetables and fruit and drinking lots of fluids. I thought this change would make me feel healthier!?!




  1. Maybe because your body is not used to all the veggies?

  2. I agree with the answers that talk about the body taking time to get used to your new way of eating. Give it a month, but also consider reducing your fluids. Don't drink unless you're thirsty and don't drink with your meals, or if you can't help it, only drink small sips of water with a meal. Some say that drinking too many fluids dilutes the stomach acids that will aid in digestion. If you are eating as well as you describe, you will be getting more fluid in your veggies anyway. I've found that eating well is a life long process, and I have to tweak it now and then to find what works best for myself. I stopped eating meat and dairy, but I eat (organic, free-range) eggs and wild fish. You will feel better, just continue to find the right balance for you.

  3. LOL, common mistake. More than likely you have increased your FIBER too quickly. Your body will adjust with time. I suggest a Disgestive Aid. Also look at the soy you are eatting Soy is a common allergy.

  4. It's just a TRANSITION - your body needs adapting to new nutritional changes - maybe, you still have meat cravings. Don't give in to temptation. You did the right thing and at least you won't be responsible for the suffering animals face on a daily basis.

    Try harder

  5. Maybe u just havnt u know been working out like a morning jog or push ups or somethin that will help u keep in shape maybe even go to a gym! :)

  6. Bloating can occur as your body becomes adjusted over time to a vegetarian diet. The water retention and bloated feeling occur because the body in unaccustomed to dealing with the new diet and will change over time.

    Give your body longer to adjust to the change you have made and consider asking a herbalist about something that will help with that bloated feeling.

    Good luck with your dietary changes.

  7. i have tha exact same ?. tell me when you find tha answer plz..

  8. whole grains and soy make you more bloated than dairy does....

  9. it will.. but it will take some tiem for your body to adjust. You've increased your fiber intake, and some types of fiber cause gas to form... dont worry, this too shall pass and you will feel much better for having made the health jump, as long as you eat balanced amounts of proteins fats and carbs!

  10. maybe you need to take it slower and not throw it all on your body at once, like start with going veghead for a couple weeks then move to vegan,

    i think people are under the assumption that just being vegan suddenly means your gonna get the perfect body and be completely healthy, you need to watch what you eat even more, one to make sure you arnt eating any unwanted animal products and two so you make sure you are getting all your nutrients in. take a morning jog every day it always makes me feel healthier.

  11. Maybe its too many carbs or your stomach is getting used to the transition it sometimes takes time for some people dont worry youll be ok

  12. Ok.

    The ingredients you listed are all sources of carbohydrates, so basically you've been filling your self up with carbs, you need to eat more protein, the soy is protein you just need to have a mix of protein, carbs and vitamins etc.

    So have something like muesli for breakfast, with soya milk on top.

    For lunch, have rice salad (rice, veggies, pulses such as kidney beans.) this is a good mix of protein and carbs.

    For dinner, have a mix about 60% protein and 40% carbs. Somthing like vegan sausages (found in health stores) and lots of veg, and maybe some potato to if you like.

    So eat well, eat enough, but not to much, beacause eating mainly all carbs will just make you feel really bloated. Get a good mix

    Heres some recipes, nutrional imformation etc. To help you out:

    Hope this helps you out.

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