
I stopped my bc mid pack and...?

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I stopped taking my birth control after taking only 3 active pills. My husband decided that we would try for a second baby.. I started bleeding about 3 days after stopping the pill, but I have read that you still ovulate because this is not a "real" period and will usually bleed until the end of your actual period. Getting to my question, I have completely stopped bleeding and if anyone has or knows someone who had this happened to them, maybe we are pregnant?

The first time we got pregnant I finished my pack of pills.. this was kind of a split decision, which is crazy I know! Also I am having no symptoms of pregnancy, but I didn't with my first either. The only thing I have to go by so far is that I stopped bleeding before period is due.. and it is a little too early for a test. Thanks!




  1. i had my period and stopped taking my bc pills and had another two weeks later but any way i ended up pregnant right after i stopped taking them i was told that i had implantation bleeding  maybe this is what you are having so cross your fingers and hope that this is what it is

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