
I stopped smoking Marijuana for about 5 months and smoked once about 35 days ago and had to take a urine?

by  |  earlier

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test yesterday, am I going to have any problems? I'm about 6'2" and weigh 220lbs. and stay pretty active.




  1. You shouldn't have a problem passing. 30 days will typically be good enough for a urine, especially if you are active. I would like to comment however that if you had managed to stay clean for 5 months... Why not just give it up? Then you wouldn't have to worry about all of this.

  2. If you haven't smoked in 35 days, I'd think you'd be o.k., especially in light of the fact that you had five months to pretty much clear any thc out of your fatty tissues.  I hope you do o.k.!

  3. my friend was fine when he smoked 2 weeks before his test so your alright sir

  4. it takes about 30 days to get out of your system

  5. There is a pill you can buy at head shops for about $50. to pass your urine daughter told me about it & that surprised me.

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