
I stopped takin pills about 6 weeks ago and 2 weeks later I had unprotected s*x with my boyfriend I'm worried.

by  |  earlier

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I have been on the pill for about 4 years and decided to stop taking it because I'm getting older and have been told that the longer you are on birth control the harder it is for you to get pregnant once you stop. I made a decision to stop last month around July 12th. I had my regular cycle the following week (July 14th) but then had s*x unprotected more than once around July 25. I went online to check my ovulation calendar and to my dismay I was ovulating!! So my period is due today (no sign of anything) my b*****s were sore last week and I feel slight cramps but no period.. I took a test this morning...negative.

Could I be pregnant?




  1. I really wish people would not listen and do research. Yes it is more difficult but you can still  pregant. My wife was on the bill more than 6 years and got pregant two months after coming off.  Many people it takes more than a year but  not all

    Short answer yes you can be but you need to take a test to know and it may still be negative for a week or so  

  2. you could be pregnant wait until the end of the month and take another test.  

  3. You could but I would go to your doctor, it could in the worst case be an SDI.  

  4. might be to early to test but thats not true bout the pills i was taking them over 6 years and switched brands and guess what lol

  5. yea you could be pregnant it might be to early to take a pregnancy test yet if you want to know now take a clear blue with them you can take them be for a missed period most pregnancy test you have to wait till your seven days late from a missed period hope my advise is ok for you and i hope you have a good pregnancy good luck  

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