
I strained my shoulder, and have huge tournie, what to do?

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Next week is a huge tournament (and since I plan on winning I'll be playing every day till the end)... BUT I strained or pulled a shoulder muscle and am wondering if playing so much might cause any kind of permanent injury. It would probably effect my serve the most. I want to play and I will force myself to play through the pain (unlike Djoker), but am just worried I'll cause perma damage.

Any tips?




  1. lol Nina, unlike Djoker, you probably play against opponents whose shots barely get over the net or hit the fence on the full, whose serves bounce before the baseline after bouncing once in the service box. I guess your no different than your opponents.

    Anyway's for your pain... when I started off (and I know your NOT starting off) I had shoulder pain for sometime but I just played through it by applying bengay. Luckily it got better and hasn't returned.

    lol, when did i say "hit nets"? I said "barely get over the net", you know their shots turn out more like drop shots.

  2. OK well you should really warm up your body do a couple of laps around the tennis courts get your blood flowing take stretching really seriously if its a bad pain. this is going to sound funny but do some yoga every morning until the tourney. it helped me out when i was in pain. but if your pain really is bothering you i think there is going to be other big tourneys you can participate in later after the pain goes away. RUN ALOT it really helps.

  3. Acupuncture can really work wonders on some injuries.  Some are covered by your insurance, too!  I would really suggest you try it.  On some injuries, its a one shot deal.  For some more serious injuries, it only alleviates the pain temporarily.  Heck, what do you have to lose?

  4. Unlike Djoker you may not be able to see another W (win) next to your name in the long run if you force yourself to play while injured.

    Ice it, apply sports creams, and  let it rest a couple of days. If you can, see a doctor to find out the full extent of your injury. Be smart and don't let your pride get the better of you.

  5. Yeah, I heard cardio helps. I'd say do the running thing like that other dude suggested.

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