
I study in bochum germany i speak fluent english and veryl little german what type of work can i find ?

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I study in bochum germany i speak fluent english and veryl little german what type of work can i find ?




  1. I know from other English speakers in city, if you are a native English speaker, there are many places looking for native speakers to teach in English classes.  Otherwise, I would go to the university for advice if you are students there.  They would be familiar with what work restrictions you might have and could point you to suitable employment.

  2. You probably have some skills you didn't list, but based on what you've written, you may want to try things like doing a paper round - the small, free "Anzeigenblätter" tend to be looking for distributors. And since these are frequently weekly papers, you don't have to get up so early.

    If you look here

    there's some contact info for Bochum University's branch of the job centre. You didn't give your nationality. Make sure you know what the legal restrictions are, whether you need a work permit, insurance, what taxes you have to pay etc. The job centre people will help you with this.

    You can also look for student jobs here:

  3. Check if there is a "Siemens" around your area. Siemens is world wide and i know for a fact that they're always looking for people. A question not asked is an automatic no .... always remember that :)

  4. Seek extra trainning ina field you might like.Its sounds brief but, you have to have some kind of skills.

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