
I stupidly dropped out of school 6 weeks before graduation...?

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i fell into the wrong crowd and now i want to get my high school diploma and take college classes. the problem is i have 2 small children and NO one to help so i have to do it all online. whats the best way to get a legit high school diploma online?




  1. I go to an online school and get a highschool diploma. just call them. I actually have a teacher. where do you live (email me)? you might be able to do the same thing

  2. Get a GED. If your planning on doing college in any way, start with community college because they do not care what type of high school diploma you have and then you can transfer to any college you want if you get decent grades. My husband got his GED very quickly by contacting a local high school and asking how to get one. They directed him to the correct people and he had it quick and easy. I have also heard of people going to community college with out a high school diploma. That could be an option for you.

  3. Since you basically finished all but 6 weeks of school, you might want to look into this accredited school that will let you test out of classes.  That way, you only have to take classes you really need, if you know the material, you just test out and they give you credit for the class:

    For college classes, your best bet is to see if your local Community College or University offers distance courses, they often don't advertise it, but most do offer them now.

  4. Just start taking jr. college courses.  Tell them you are still working for your diploma.  Then get your transcripts from High School.  They will be as far as went-- finished to 1sem  of the 4th year.

    Finish the last Semester Transcript under a private homeschool name.  And fill out a diploma under the Homeschool name.  HSLDA sells wonderful, beautiful diploma blanks.

    You were less than a month from the end.  You didn't loose any knowlege.  Since that time, you have gained enough to count for those last six weeks. If you feel you need to, then practice some Math skills, business skills, etc.  Whatever it takes to make you feel like you did learn what would have been imparted by six weeks of private study.

    You are fine.  Colleges have to take homeschool transcripts. You can get a pell grant and other scholarships. You don't need to do years worth of High School work.  Don't waste your time.  Just go to college.  Start with some Comp classes and Math classes.

  5. i think you can get one in k12

    its a virtual school and im about to graduate 8th grade from it. i think you can get your highschool diploma from it.

  6. I LOVE how a******s see the need to put other people down when they're asking for help.

    Online courses tend to be relativiely expensive, I know for UMass Boston they are like $985 a pop. I was forced to drop out because after developing an anxiety disorder I was subsequently absent too many times to get credit for my classes. In order to get my high school diploma from my school I'm taking classes at a local community college. Call your guidance counselor and see if he or she knows of any programs that you could do or if you don't want to do that you can look at some college websites and they should have online class info. You could also just get your GED which will open some doors for you, but not as many as your diploma. Good luck! I hope everything works out for you!

  7. You can use this school.

    It's online but they also send you your textbooks.  So if you need to go somewhere you could take your books.

  8. Are you comfortable with putting your children in daycare for at least half days so you can go to an adult education center to take GED classes? If not, you may want to just study for the GED on your own and sign up to take the test. A GED is accepted by most community colleges, and once you receive a college degree, no one will even ask about high school.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  9. Katie is right on.

    Many homeschooled students being taking community college courses at the age of sixteen or so.  There is no reason you cannot do the same.  If you want to get a GED, that's fine, too.  However, it's really not necessary to begin taking community college courses.

    Ignore any thoughtless remarks here.  There's not one person in this world who hasn't made a mistake in his/her life.  

    Congratulations to you for wanting to continue your education.  What a great role model you are for your kids!

    Be well.

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