
I submitted a beauty tip to be in seventeen magazine?

by  |  earlier

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i LOVE to read seventeen. so a few weeks ago, i sent a submission about a beauty tip so i could be featured in the magazine. i havn't been notafied yet.

so i submitted another one yesterday. and i still havn't been notafied. THEN i called the seventeen home office and i asked the editor if she has viewed my submissions yet. and she said "i'll get back to you with that".

do you think she would REALLY get back to me? do you think i would be chosen to be featured in the magazine? i don't know. i just REALLY want to be in it so badly. because my friend was in it for hair tips, so thats what made ME want to get in it so bad.




  1. I just want you to imagine how many submissions Seventeen magazine gets everyday and put it into perspective.  If thousands of readers per day submit in tips, whether it's fashion, beauty, or health tips, the magazine is overflowing with people attempting to get featured in the magazine.  Even though your beauty tip may be very useful, the people who work for Seventeen will probably not have the chance to see it, especially after receiving so many similar ones daily.  If you really want a chance to be in the magazine, I would just suggest being patient and don't call the Seventeen offices again.  If they want to use your tip, they will, and all will be achieved with just a little bit of patience.

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