
I suck at life! What do i do?

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My grades in school are iffy.

I play field hockey and I SUCK.

I play golf and I SUCK.

I debate and I SUCK.

I dance and I SUCK.

I'm not funny.

I'm not exciting or interesting.

I have very few friends.

errghhh....I love to sing but I suck at that...

I love to write songs but I suck I get SO FRUSTRATED.

I'm not ugly, but I'm not pretty either.

I have a gross gap between my front teeth.

My nose is big and icky.

I have low self-esteem.

I'm short and little and quiet.

I'm shy.

People are patronizing towards me and don't take me seriously and treat me like a little kid even though I'm fifteen.

I suck at playing the guitar. I suck at math.

I just suck completely...

Right now is field hockey season so if you have any tips for that, that would be greatly appreciated!

Also, any tips having to do with any couple of the things I suck at would be nice too!

I also want to know how to keep my chin up and be myself.

Thanks for your support.




  1. you just need patience! you will find something that your good at but it takes time. maybe you should try something new, u might like that better! also

    learn to love yourself and friends and skills will come around. you just need to find yourself

    do what you like to do and other people will follow


  2. Don't be so hard on yourself.

    Everyone has good qualites but they fail to see them because they are too busy looking at their bad ones.

    Think about what you do like about yourself & your accomplishments.

    Don't worry about what people think because half the time they pick on others due to their own insecurites.

  3. holy c**p! you Do suck

  4. It is completely normal to feel inadequate when it comes to all the activities you listed.  Its a part of self confidence.  You are only able to do what you are capable of.  Ask yourself if you really put in 100% effort towards all your school subjects and your athletics.  Did you?  There is almost always room for improvement, and you have to decide for yourself where and how you want to improve.  Chances are, you don't really suck as hard as you think, you just need a little more effort.  It's a new school year here, and you have tons of opportunities to be your best. Focus on what's important to you, and do your best.  Don't try to do everything at once.  You can do well in school, and you can do well at your athletics. Everybody has doubts, it is normal, but prove your doubts wrong, it is a great emotional booster!  

  5. Everyone is good at something.  You are only fifteen, and you have plenty of time to find out what that something is that you excel at.  You say you like to sing, but you suck at it.  Do you really suck or do you just think you suck.  Why not ask the music teacher at school to listen to you and give you an opinion about what you can do to improve.  They could probably teach you some techniques. Playing a musical instrument such as the guitar takes practice, practice, practice.  If you enjoy it, don't just give up right away because it is difficult or you don't pick up on it immediately.

    If you don't have an aptitude at sports, it is not anything to be ashamed of.  Some people just don't.

    As for your looks, many people do not like their looks.  Have you heard the old saying "beauty is only skin deep"?  It is very true.  Who you are inside is much more important that what you look like outside.  A good way to feel better about yourself is to volunteer to help others.  Is there a homeless shelter or other type of agency in your area where you can volunteer.  There are others who are much worse off than you.  This will give you a chance to see all the blessings you have that others do not.  

    If you feel like you have low-self esteem, maybe you could seek counseling through the school.  Or have you talked to your parents about how you feel?

    Again, everyone has a special talent.  Some just don't recognize it as soon as others.  Keep looking - it is there.  And don't stress on your looks.  Learn how to put on makeup to maximize the features that compliment you and minimize the ones that don't.  No one is perfect, in looks or otherwise.  You would be surprised if you knew what the popular, so called "pretty" kids were dealing with in these same areas.

    You are unique and you are beautiful.  Keep telling yourself that as you get to know yourself.  The real you in in there, but you have to give yourself a chance.  

  6. whatever you were doing before, trying doing the exact opposite.  or it might be prudent to get into things that you are good at.  

  7. hey there is no need to put urself down like that, ur not the only 1 in ur position i was almost exactly in ur position, i was soo depressed all the time and just didnt do good at anything, but now im lovin life and have heaps of people that like me for me,

    my advive to u is that to be good at things you MUST PRACTICE

    the more you practice the beter at those things you get,

    like guitar i couldnt play guitar for sh*t but i havent practiced for too long but i can play 1 song lol,

    singin well im a guy and dnt like to sing coz i am sooo so c**p so i beatbox, my mate showd me how to do it and from there i just been doin it and didnt stop now im better than him and the best in my suburb,

    look some things you'll pick up quickly and some u wont, ay u may not be good at math but i never did good at schoolat all i havent passed 1 year of high school lol so dnt stress, im 20 now by the time u get to my age ur life will have changed for the better. :D

  8. You're involved in a lot of things and you do seem to care about your grades. So, you definitely do not suck. Not to be cliche, but think about how many people are morons who float through life without trying anything. I'm sure everything will be ok in the end- just chill out a little friend!

  9. My advice is if you are not good at the things you are doing keep searching til you find what you are good at and what you enjoy. As for friends you don't really need them cause all they are good for is anchoring you down. Talk to your parents let them know that you have low self esteem, you are only 15 you should not be stressing so hard, but enjoying your teenage life.

  10. change your attitude and it'll change your life!

  11. uh u suck  

  12. Do not do anything that could hurt you and i'm just like you trust me your not alone everyone lied to me that i sing good so i put it on youtube and everybody tells me i suck just remember your not alone!!

  13. Most of the things you say you suck at you can take lessons for, and  in time get good at. As far as looks go, we all grow in to our noses, teeth ect. I always think before I complain, like if my legs look heavy, I stop and thank God I have legs. Remember not to take things for granite.

  14. Your consistent and sucking is better than blowing.

    Actually,  I would recommend stop focusing so much on yourself. Maybe think of things that are not in your own orbit. Remember that there are going to be people that are better than you at everything. Even if you become the best in the world at something its only for a short time. Worry about more important things like friends and family and stop being self absorbed.

  15. If all you think about is the negative, that's all you'll see!  Stop saying you suck at everything and think of what you do well.  Start by looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, I'm not ugly!  You wrote your statement well, you haven't given up, you still have hope, you have a unique gap in between your teeth that many find s**y!  You play the guitar (maybe not well, but many can't play at all) and with practice you'll get better, you are trying to write songs (keep it up, you'll get it), see how this is going?  You can look at everything in a positive way instead of choosing to see everything in a negative way!  It's really in how you look at life, that makes your life for you, so keep a great outlook and you'll have a great life!

  16. lol. you know you cant be good at everything..

  17. I'm way past that now, but when I used to think less of myself I would be reminded that "God don't make no junk".  Darling one thing you can do is stop judging yourself! Consider that there are a billion people worse off than you!

    A major part of being excellent is what's in your head. What you tell yourself about yourself is what will shape you and your performance in life.  I want you to stop saying negative things about yourself.  Start saying excellent things about yourself.  Life is entirely worth it!!

    What you say and think about yourself will entirely turn your life around.  You'll start to have good luck, good grades, friends, and you'll begin to demand excellence from yourself in everything you do.   Get started!!!

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