
I suck at my job, I'm unhappy, my home is falling apart, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I suck at my job, I'm unhappy, my home is falling apart, I'm in debt up to my ears, I dread raising my daughter in a h**l hole of a neighbor but I can't afford a new place. I eat too much and don't get enough sleep. I'm selfish, fat, lazy, nearsighted, tired, depressed, unfocused and don't tell me just don't be those things. The zebza can't change it stripes and the scorpion will always sting the frog. what the h**l can I do to turn my life around? and if you say "turn to Jesus" I will report you for abuse.




  1. try and find a new job, if you dont have a wife get a new one.dont have enough money sell your house find new job rent a condo which you can find very cheap ones.get anti-depressants?you could stop being lazy,by working out everyday at a gym or n your house.that will build moral.good luck to you trust me dude if you lose weight your moral will go so can also get a loan for your debt but then you could pay the loan off lil bit at a time.listen to music b4 you goto sleep or find someone to wear you out things that do that are cannabis,sleeping pills,working out,running,push ups.

  2. Ive been there and done that-and sometimes return. You need to seeif anti's help-make a doctor appt. Cymbalta is a great one. Next make a list of what you can fix and one of the things you cant-when done let the list of things you cant fix GO ! Then concentrate on what you can fix NOW. Then pick whats most important and write down the steps it will take to get where you want to be and work on it a little each day, one project at a time. If you are in debt contact the Consumer Credit Counseling agency in your area-they will make a plan, work with the creditors and al you have to do is show up with a money order each month-at a reduced payment too. There are community programs that can help fix soe things around the house especially if ity has to do with energy conservation-check that out at your local community center-also you can get free building stuff off craigslist sometimes. Next solicit help wherever you can and don't try to do it all on your own. Make a schedule that includes all your activities and stick to it. What I have done in the past is get everything done-no matter how much of a killer-and keep your weekends free to relax and refuel for the up and coming week-you must give yourself two days off a week-you will drive yourself into the ground from which you won't recover if you do not grab the tiger by the tail NOW. Wish I could help but this is all I can do to help you-Good Luck

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