
I suck at sports, my dad thinks I'm a nerd.

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So this is my whole story - I'm not the best at sports. I mean, I'm one of the worst players when it comes to basketball - that's just not my sport. But when football and tennis seasons come, I consider myself one of the mediums - I'm better than about 6 or 7 on the team during football and I'm getting really good at tennis...but I'm not one of the big stars like a lot of my friends are. I feel really embarrassed during basketball season, but I have to keep playing it so that people don't make fun of me for not playing it. I'm extremely good at guitar though, I've been playing for 6 years and I'm not trying to brag, but I am really good haha, people tell me that all the time, I was put in the advanced class for this guitar camp I was in. I'm thirteen and I was put with the 16 year-olds. Haha anyway, back to the point - I spend a lot of time on my new laptop, and whenever my dad sees me on it I feel like he's thinking that I'm a computer nerd, but the main reason I go on is for AIM with my friends. I can talk for hours with my friends on IM. But my dad thinks that I am a complete nerd with no life. I have a girlfriend, and many before that. I hang out with her a lot, have made out a few times, I have never been into those RPG games or whatever, like Runescape. I hang out with my friends all the time. My dad thinks that I have no life, but I do. I just don't know how to tell him. I mean, I don't want to say, "Dad. I don't play nerdy games. I'm not a computer nerd. I have a life, a girlfriend, a bunch of friends. The only thing I'm not the best at is sports." He's a big sports fan, so all he cares about is sports. Also, my half-brother who is 20 is really strong and good at sports. How do I tell my dad that I am not a complete computer nerd?




  1. when u grow up ull ahve the girls and the money and tell him whose the nerd now

  2. You dont have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Im being completely honest here. You have a great life, and you know it. Your dad may not know it, but you sound like you'll amount to something great, and in time, he'll know it.

  3. ok!computer is so fun!u seem ok and not like a nerd!i think u should stick with football becus u dont play bad in it!also if u wanna play b-ball pratice makes pefect so pratice boi(jk)and a good way to tell ur dad how u feel is:when u see ur dad not watching sports but he is in a good mood tell him"dad i know u think im a nerd.the truth is im not.i have a gf and plenty of friends.iam not the best at b'ball but since it would me a lot to u may u play b-ball with me so i can improve mi skills!"also be in a nice mood!i hope i helped

    God bless

  4. Its cool that he doesn't rag you or give u a hard time. But remember ....NERDS ROCK!!!!!  

  5. just don't care, remember one day, you'll be all grown up, and you'll have kids of your own, and just remember how you felt, and apply that to your kids.  Just don't care what he thinks. you won't be there forever bro

  6. Tell you dad, that ( well I'm guessing you are not into drugs and drinking ! Am I right? ) If thats the case, tell your dad he should be happy that you don't do drugs and drink with your friends( I'm not saying they do... but you know what I mean!), just be happy dad that I am who I am, and if thats what you think of me all the time, then you are the one with a BIG problem ! Where is your mother when he says thing like that to you? If she is in your life , I would talk to your mom about this and how he makes you feel, the same thing you just told us here, see what she might beable to do to help you with your dad. And , you know, you don't have to play sports, but, have you ever thought of being the Rep, Score keeper. My nefew, does both play, and other times he keeps score for the teems. If you know the game well, consiter that...and I'm sure your friends will still love you.

  7. Just remind him that you will be deciding what convalescent home he will be living when the time comes.

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