
I suck at volleyball but I really like it. HELP ME PLZ! ?

by  |  earlier

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well im trying to get in 7th grade volleyball they have a A,B, and unfortunately a C team the first practice i was horrible and my friend was better than me i was surprised i didnt take her as a volleyball kind of person i need help on what to do to help me play better PLEASE I REALLY WANNA BE ON AT LEAST THE B TEAM IM REALLY HOPEING WITH ALL OF MY HEART I LOVE VOLLEYBALL JUST NO GOOD I SUCK SO BAD HEEEELLLLLLLLLPPP PRACTICE IS ALL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!! :(




  1. Coaches always look for good listeners and people who are teachable. I know this sounds bad but being a ball hog in volleyball is good! Try your hardest and give your best in every drill you do.  

  2. The same thing happened to me cuz i love vball but i sucked. If you hit the ball on ur thumbs and it goes flying across the gym try 2 u make sure u hit the ball on the insides of ur arm up by ur elbow instead. Also ur arms should never come higher than ur chest when bumping. Always b in a ready position when ur on the court, this means legs bent and really low 2 the ground like ur squatting. NEVER have ur hands ready 2 bump, u shouldn't keep them clasped together just in case u need 2 set or RUN towards the ball cuz its harder 2 run 2 the ball if u hands r clasped together. When setting ur elbows should be out and ur hands should be angled towards each other so that if u moved them closer together ur pointer fingers and thumbs would make a triangle. Never force the ball when setting just push ur arms out like superman so that after ur done setting the ball ur arms will b straight. I cant help u w/ ur serving or ur spiking cuz every ones serves r different and most likely they wont make u spike. U HAVE 2 KEEP PRACTICING EVERYDAY OTHERWISE U WONT GET ANY BETTER. NEVER GET DISCOURAGED BECAUSE OTHERWISE U WONT APPRECIATE UR SELF WHEN U GET BETTER. ALSO ANOTHER SUGGESTION, IF GIRLS R MEAN TO YOU BECAUSE UR ABILITY ISN'T AS STRONG AS THEIRS, THEN USE THEM AS MOTIVATION TO GET BETTER!!!! HOPE I HELPED AND GOOD LUCK ON THE COURT! I'M SURE ONCE U GET THE HANG OF IT THEY'LL WANT U 2 BE ON THE A TEAM!

  3. My advice would be to check out some of the other volleyball questions I've answered. I'm really getting sick of typing tips. And we can't really tell you more than practice a lot because you didn't tell us specifically what you need to improve upon.  

  4. Ok i made the team i'm in 7th grade ok for bumping make sure you keep your arms apart and stay low ALL THE TIME! when the ball come to you use your legs not your arms or it will not get to the setter or the person you are bumping 2 it will go 2 high...serving...hmm make sure when you throw the ball that it's in front of you and if your right handed and swing over hand first throw the ball up and step with your left foot and give it all you got! pretend the ball is someone you don't like! that's what i have 2 do! it works pretty well...ok for down balls hmm... well make sure you don't hit it with the tips of your fingers and don't swing too i got nothin i suck at setting well good luck hope u make the team!

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