
I sucked at tryouts. Should I go ahead tomorrow?

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I've never played volleyball b4, so I really sucked @ tryouts 2day. I mostly just sat back and watched after I already looked like an idiot during 1 of the exercises. They pretty much let you on the team if u wanna play. I think the coach would let me, it's just that I'd probably only make jv and I'm already a sophomore so that would be really awkward. I have 2 go again 2morrow. I learned a lot 2day but there is still so much I don't know. Should I go ahead and play? All the other girls have years of experience and I've never played b4!!!!




  1. It never hurts to learn somethingnew, and somepeople will admire your guts for going back

  2. Just keep trying, how do you think the others got so good........practice thats how!!

  3. you know what dont feel intimidated because you figure them girls had to start off some where they had to start off just like you so dont feel bad at all go to the next tryout or the rest of the tryout.

  4. if you really like volleyball, dont give up!

  5. go ahed and play even if ur not the best u can still have fun with ur friends

    ps. ya never no mayb ur not giving your self inogh credit

  6. one things coaches like the most are people that dont complain during conditioning and work really hard, as long as u work hard the coaches should be able to recognize that

  7. You should definitely go for it, if this is truly what you want to do. If you are pulling back because you think you'll look like a fool then really think this over before you go quiting. Just practice twice as hard as the other girls and dedicate yourself with discipline, respect and honor and you will go very far! Who knows, you may be invited into Varsity before you know it. May you be blessed in everything you do!

  8. alright kill all the other girls and you'll make the team tomorrow

  9. just keep trying you will get better after a while it takes time your cant go out and expect to be perfect well wrong word to use maybe great

  10. YESSSS!!!! volleyball is so much fun ! its worth it! **** everyone else.!

  11. YES keep trying and if you need extra help talk to the coach and some of your team members bet they would help you

  12. I would tell you yes.  Go tomorrow, learn and have fun.  That is what life is all about, having fun and learning new things.  Don't worry about what the others think do what you want play volley ball.  It will be a wonderful experience

  13. well im i think u should stil go 2 tha try-outs..i mean do really wanna play? u should jus give it ur all n tha coaches will put u where they think best. i love volleyball..its my fav. sport. if u really do wanna play then it wouldnt matter who tha girls ur playin wit or how much expirience they have b-cuz ur not there 4 them. now learn all u can n i hope u make Vars. =D

  14. If you wanna play, no matter how bad you sucked at it, keep trying, I do and soon enough I'll try out for basketball, probably. I'm good at volleyball, but that's just because I worked on getting better. I love sports, but I don't hardly ever play them, but I don't give up, keep trying you'll get better.

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