
I suffer from Incredible Hulk syndrome?

by  |  earlier

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When I am upset or frustrated I feel like I loose control of my body. I get an incredible urge to slam, kick and brake things. I now this is a very primitive thing but can't seem to control it. My emotions must be acted out in a physical manner. Just a few moments ago my computer messed up right after I saw a question I wanted to answer. I got so upset I started slamming my desk with my fists. What causes this and what can I do to curb it?




  1. anger management :

    read this :

    hope it helps... and if it doesn't, please don't be angry with me :o)

  2. Actually in a way it is sort of good because it means that you don't bury all your frustation in you..

    you jus need to find a different way to let it out..

    The next time you want to hit something.. force yourself to stop and think Why.. Why would I want to bang the desk..

    thinking helps you control your mind..

  3. Get yourself sectioned/committed.

  4. What causes this and what can I do to curb it?

    Anger is the cause of it, uncontrolled anger.  The only way to stop it is to be mindful about what you are feeling and what you are doing.  Try meditation, but if the symptoms persist, please see your doctor.

  5. share your problem with family members,or go to a doctor,u maybe be suffering from disorder.

  6. meditate do what he did in the movie he just took really deep breath try it  

  7. Borderline Personality Disorder

    Seriously, look it up.

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