
I suffer from chest pains on a daily that normal??

by Guest65654  |  earlier

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I'm just curious.




  1. Hahaha, i laugh at the people that answered above me. No it has nothing to do with your lung. I am 15 years old, under lots of stress from school, and have exact same pains as you do. I have had these pains for now 7-8 years. but i get them once every day at least. Mine last 30 sec - 2 min usually and i have to stop in place until the pain goes away. Usually it starts when at rest. This could be either one of 2 things, you have chostocondritis, or "catch" syndrome. My doctor doesnt know which one it is, however, they are both relatively the same. It isnt something to worry about, however, still get it checked by a doctor., however, it isnt a giant concern

  2. Of course that is not normal. You would know if it is not normal by knowing your body how it was before hand. You could be experiencing asthma, do you have asthma? If you are having shortness of breathe followed the chest pain go to a doctor asap. It may not be asthma but something else going on that you need to be treated for. Any time you have a constant chest pain like that anyone will tell you go to a doctor asap as something is going on there and needs to be treated. I hope I helped.  

  3. Just get medically evaluated.

  4. No.  It culd be heartburn, anxiety or something more serious--like angina or a hear attack.  It's always best to see a dr in these situations.   If you ask what I would do in your situation--I actually am!  

    I have chest pain myself for about a week and have decided I'm going to the dr.  I feel silly, but he can help me do something about.  Even if it turns out not to be serious, I still want it to go away.

  5. No, probably not a heart attack though, or maybe mini ones...IDK, but get it checked.

  6. Nope. Never take a chance with chest pain. I'm only 19, but my family has a history of heart problems. So when my chest started hurting a couple months ago, I immediately went to the hospital. Luckily it was only a chest wall infection, but I wanted to make sure. Sometimes chest pain can mimick that of a heart attack, so make sure if you're feeling this kind of pain to go to the hospital right away. Better safe than sorry :)

  7. No it is not normal! You should get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. It may be nothing, but the possibilities are too serious to just ignore your pain. Best wishes!

  8. NO!

  9. No, it's most likely heartburn.. But you should check with a doctor.

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