
I suffer from severe depression and reached out to a teacher i trust but now i have an emotional attatchment?

by  |  earlier

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Last year i tried to kill myself but i kept it to myself for about 3 months until it was just tearing me apart and i needed to talk to someone, my fave teacher had looked out for me before a couple of times when she saw i looked a bit down so i decided to confide in her cos im not close with anyone in my family and had no major friends i trusted to understand. So i told her and she was brilliant with me and really helped me decide what to do in the next couple of weeks. She persuaded me to tell a doctor about my depression but i could not get the courage to say about the attempted suicide, so its still a secret between us although she told the pastrol guideange woman she was worried about me. But since then whenever ive had something bad happen ive talked it thru with her and i just feel stupid cos im 16 and i know i should just get on with it and also i feel sometimes that im a pain to her. ( i only chat with her say once a half term or somethin). Its just i feel i have noone else to talk to and i dont know what to do. Its just like EVEYTIME someone acts like they give a **** i get so attached and stuff ;(

I would be so grateful for ANY help... thanks xx

ps I went to the school councillor for 6 months but just found her irritating as anything and a local one for a few times but it didnt help me, dunno if it was them or im just not a councillor person..




  1. I dont think that you are attached to her, if you were attached to her you would try to see her everyday and talk about it.  I think that she has done the right thing and tried to get you to the doctor and counselling and that you are very fortunate to have a friend who is willing to help you out.

    I suggest that you form close ties with your other friends at the school so that you do have a lot of people to talk with about everything else and have some sort of support system around you.

  2. I have done told you the other day my answer. go find it.

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