
I suffer from severe stress and anxiety and i need some advice please. this is getting way too serious!?

by Guest57031  |  earlier

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Please before you answer, i only need serious answers, I'm not going through the best of times at the moment and need someone to just give me advice, so please only serious answers.

I suffer from an anxiety disorder and the last couple of months my fear of death has tripled. my stress levels are so bad that its starting to affect my stomach. i'm somewhat of a hypochondriac and always think the worst. i'm extremely scared of dying and what happens after. my stomach sometimes gets really sore, like i have cramps. when i have to pass a stool everything seems to get better. but on the days i stress alot or get panic attacks my stomach hurts again.

strange thing is i dont feel any other symptoms that might make it serious. I'm not tired at all, my weight is extremely constant, no hair loss, no fatigue, no feelings of nausea and no diarrhea. i know its all in my head but how do i stop it? please any advice would be greatly appreciated!





  1. it could all be caused by too much stress. You might want to go see your doctor to make sure that everything is okay. The stomach pain could be an ulsar.  

  2. the question is why do or are u fearing death?dying is easy its living thats hard.u need to get a psych eval.ther is good treatment for panic attacks,  works, i know. stress can bring on all kinds of symptoms, including u r stomach problems. so get some help , you will be ok.

  3. Stress comes about because you're resisting.

    Resisting the inevitable.

    And you can't escape what's inevitable by resisting it.

    Accept death and you'll be OK.

  4. It is extremely common for anxiety to cause stomachissues.  "having knot in your stomach' is not just a saying.  Stress can cause you to tighten up and cause problems with pain and bowl movements.

    The fact that you know it is all in your head is a good start.  Talk yourself through things logically.  Depression and anxiety cause us to think in complete black and white, things are either perfect or as bad as they can possible get.  Your logical mind knows that nothing falls completely into either catagory.  

    Slow down and try to stop all the screaming in your head - argue against yourself when you start to worry uncontrollably.  "What is the likihood of that really happening?  Why would I think that?  What is really going on?"  etc.  

    Look for some professional help or even find someone you trust to talk to.  Sometimes just voicing your fears makes you aware of how unrealistic they are.

    Good Luck

  5. I think you would do well to speak with your doctor and ask about referral for group therapy..... I think it will go a long way to help you get back on track to speak with others who feel like you do......

    In the meantime, do you think it might help to do some voluntary work for charities that work with people who are in hospices or such like ... where death is a very real thing to them?  I know this seems a bit ******** - but it might actually help you to control your fears better if you could maybe put them into perspective from the view of someone who is really facing it?


  6. Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

    Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.

    But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

    The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!

    Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

    Extracted from Source.

  7. Stress is a reaction, or a symptom of a triggering event or circumstances.

    You can choose to cut it out, or at least reduce it.

    Find some relaxing techniques, and since you are probably scientific, consider the probabilities of any risk to you, which are small, right?

    Now you have IBS and starting to get IBD, digestive dysfunctions.

    I would suggest warm baths, some stretching exercise, fresh air in a 'safe' place, which is highly oxygenated, or spacious, and simply counteract the stress and spasm impulses by "cutting them off" in your own CNS.

    You need some endorphins, good diet and chemical balance, thinking strategies.

    Good luck.

  8. I can help you.  I went thru the same thing myself.  I know of a free course that will walk your thru your understanding and recovery.  There is nothing to buy since its a free course  -  click on link below.

    Good luck.  Don't sweat it too much, you'll get better.

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