
I suffer with really severe jaw pain. Ive been to the dentist and am getting fitted with a bite splint?

by  |  earlier

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Until then I'm still in agony. I have asthma so I cannot take nurofen, is there any other over the counter anti-inflammatories that I can take? Im taking Solphodeine and its not working.




  1. That sounds very major, I suggest for you to go to a dentist.  For just $14.95 a month you can get up to 80% off any dental visit.

    If intrested email me at:

  2. besides being fitted for a splint did he adjust your bite at all? that woiuld be important.

    source (i'm a dental hygienist)

  3. what about ibuprofen? do you suffer with tmj? ive had that it does hurt.

  4. Hi hun, i am a trainee nurse so i thought id give you some practical tips - Dont eat really hard foods or anything where you need to open your jaw alot, if you dont really need to talk, then don't. Use cold compresses, such as frozen icebags etc. .to the side of the face, or massage lightly whenever you feel pain.If you have particular stiffness, use a warm compress, such as a small heated towel/warm wash cloths. Strong Paracetomol, Tylenol - type tablets will help. You can take 2 of these every 4 hours. Also, psycologically thinking about it can make things worse, the more you think or worry about something, the more it will feel it hurts. So take it easy and try to relax as much as possible. Anything else feel free to email me hun, take care x

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