
I suffered a deusional episode after taking serequel and zoloft?

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I had a psychotic break and I had a my worst fears come true, There were huge meetings with a the people I knew watching videos of me, My house was bugged, The saw me in all my sin, lying, performing sexua acts, acting wierd in the bathroom, I thought I was going to prison for llife for being the biggest psychopath that ever lived a month prior to this I achieved a meditatve state where I had heightened senses and right brain activity for 4 days, can anybody reate to this, it seems to be some sort of spiritual thing I'm going through, the doctors don't know what to diagnose me




  1. I also experienced same stuff with zoloft when i was 14.It was like horror chineese movies omfg,i'm 100% sure you will be okay after your brain get used with them;it's just that some people's brain react different to same's our chemestry.It took me 1 month to get used to it.

    if you still got that symptoms just change the AD or cut it off,take care !

  2. You might want to check in with your psychiatrist instead of asking a bunch of Yahoos! to provide you feedback on a medical condition.

    You could be having a psychotic break, or you could be experiencing a medication interaction issue, or overdose. Talk to the doc, get your levels checked. Have an eval done. and stay off Yahoo until you do.

  3. lol i blame the keyboard too. what is your dose of seroquel? mines 400mg and im on 60 or 90 mg cymbalta and they minimized my occurences at the times of the day i took it, (night) cuz all i did was sleep! Seroquel and anti psychotic medicines only cause this sort of reaction to people who dont have psychosis in the first place. so you probably made up some stuff to the doctor to get that medicine. be honest next time you go andtell him whats happening so he can give you the right medicine.

  4. Well, lots of people with mental illness diagnosis have other things wrong instead - like thyroid disease just to name one.

    If you can achieve proper mental function (in other people's minds, not just yours) through meditation, by all means do it.  And also try to supplement that with eating really fresh vegis and fruits and protein (cheese, etc.) No over processed foods like pizza and fries and cola.  Also exercise a lot (outside preferably).

    I was diagnosed bipolar as a 21 year old college student - I was on 20 pills a day at one time and none of it ever helped, in fact it made some of it worse.

    I eventually realized I can control most of the mood swings through alternative methods like the ones I named above.  

    If some brain altering drugs made you have a psychotic break, I'd be careful not to take anymore unless you are being watched by family, friends or doctors.

    Be careful.

  5. I can relate to some of this as I suffered from temporary psychosis where people were trying to spread rumours about me to get me out of the workplace (which is true and they did eventually), however my psychosis was when they started to get the public transport people against me and then the police, they watched any action that I did and I thought I was going to be arrested.  I thought at that time that I was fighting a spiritual battle.

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